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Town Council 30th Anniversary

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.
Photo of four people standing below a number of small mosaic birds mounted on a wall.
Event marking the unveiling of a ‘flock’ of 30 small mosaic birds that have been installed on the wall of the town council offices in Bradley Stoke to celebrate the council’s 30th anniversary. L-r: Cllr Theresa Cullen, Cllr Angela Morey, Katie Hanning (project artist), Cllr Franklin Owusu-Antwi (deputy mayor).

This year (2022) is the 35th anniversary of the first turf cutting in the ‘new town’ of Bradley Stoke, the 30th anniversary of the formation of Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) and the 10th anniversary of the council moving into its purpose-built office at the Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road.

The town council is planning a “year-long celebration” to commemorate all these milestones, forming a working group, with the local community involved, “to organise a series of community events and projects, to honour the past, celebrate the present and look forward to the future of our town”.


Bradley Stoke Town Council: Notable milestones

The first elections to the town council took place in March 1992 and the first council meeting took place on 1st April 1992 at Holy Trinity Church Hall.

Date Event
April 1992 Formation of Bradley Stoke Town Council – following council elections
February 1993 Council office moves from town clerk’s home to a permanent address at The Courtyard, Woodlands
December 1994 Successful campaign to prevent a park and ride terminus being built in the town
May 1995 Arbitration between Almondsbury Parish and Bradley Stoke Town Councils. Bradley Stoke agrees to accept £1,200,000 settlement over allocation of funds following boundary changes
March 1996 Successful opposition to Filton Commercial Airport as the Public Inquiry refuses to allow the development
November 2002 Official opening of the Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre (replacing the ‘Blue Hut’)
April 2008 Official opening of Baileys Court Activity Centre extension
June 2012 Town Council moves to purpose-built new office at The Jubilee Centre
April 2016 Official opening of the new Bradley Stoke Skate Park in the grounds of Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre

Source: Selected entries from the council’s Record of Achievement/Major Works



Discussion at a meeting of Full Council on 16th March 2022

The first event that was discussed and seemed like an excellent way to begin the celebrations was for an event to be planned for 1st April 2022, the official date the town council began their meetings in 1992. Ideas were discussed about a walking tour of Bradley Stoke for 1st April 1st.

The next event (so not to clash with the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations) will be the scarecrow trail, provisionally planned for 13th – 27th August 2022. Ideas were discussed around including an open theme for the trail with possibly 30+ scarecrows.

In September, a collaborative art project will roll out. Each primary school, pre-school and secondary school in the BSTC boundaries will be approached and invited to take part in a mosaic to potentially be added to the front of the Jubilee Centre Town Council building to become a focal point and add some beautiful colours to our town.



Friday 10th March 2023

Promotional poster.

Come and find out about the history of Bradley Stoke and have a browse through the town council’s local history archives.

Drop in event on Friday 10th March 2023 from 10am to 4pm.

The town council 30th anniversary bird mosaic mural will be officially unveiled at 12.30pm.

The Jubilee Centre
Savages Wood Road
Bradley Stoke
BS32 8HL

Venue location map (Google)

Saturday 25th February 2023

Promotional poster.

Free mosaic bird making workshop on Saturday 25th February 2023.

Drop in to Baileys Court Activity Centre anytime between 12 noon and 3pm.

Eventually, the birds will form a public mural to celebrate 30 years of Bradley Stoke Town Council.

The mural will be installed on the outside wall of the council offices at the Jubilee Centre.

Please email to reserve your FREE place at the workshop.

Baileys Court Activity Centre
Baileys Court Road
Bradley Stoke
BS32 8BH

Venue location map (Google)

Friday 1st April 2022

Bradley Stoke Town Council is commencing its 30th (pearl) anniversary celebrations on Friday 1st April 2022 at 6pm with a circular walk/procession from the Jubilee Centre (BS32 8HL) to Bradley Holy Trinity Church (BS32 0BD), along Bradley Stoke Way and returning from Holy Trinity Church to the Jubilee Centre along Brook Way. This modest symbolic walk is in memory of the community procession in 1992 when Bradley Stoke Town Council was formed.

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