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Aztec West Roundabout Traffic Lights

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Aztec West Business Park, Almondsbury, Bristol

There have been numerous faults with the new traffic signals at the Aztec West Roundabout since they were replaced/upgraded in August 2017 as part of South Gloucestershire Council’s A38 Southbound Widening Scheme. Many motorists have also questioned the design of the scheme, saying it is causing unnecessary delays for traffic exiting the Aztec West Business Park and Bradley Stoke, as well as on the A38 northbound.

There have also been issues with the traffic signals at the nearby Almondsbury Roundabout (M5 J16), which are understood to be the responsibility of Highways Engalnd, and the synchronisation between the traffic signals there and those on the Aztec West Roundabout.

Monday 16th October 2017: Signals throttle traffic exiting Bradley Stoke during the am peak, leading to long tailbacks down Bradley Stoke Way and Brook Way.

Thursday 21st September: Repeat of the August incident, with delays of up to an hour reported for traffic exiting the park.

Wednesday 2nd August 2017: Thousand of workers trapped in the Aztec West Business Park for up to two hours during the pm peak as signals throttle traffic leaving the park to a trickle.

How to report issues: Traffic lights and signals (SGC)

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