The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.


⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

3rd December 2019
Traveller encampment at Aztec West
South Gloucestershire Council says it is aware of an unauthorised traveller encampment consisting of three caravans and associated vehicles on a section of unused road (formerly Woodlands Lane) which cuts the corner of Bradley Stoke Way and the A38 southbound near the Aztec West Roundabout.

24th November 2019
Opening soon: New Lidl store in Patchway
Discount retailer Lidl UK has announced that its new store on Hayes Way in Patchway is to open on Thursday 5th December.

23rd November 2019
Feeling festive in Lavender Way, Bradley Stoke
Local resident’s miniature Victorian Christmas village, built up over 25 years.

14th November 2019
FaBS general election candidates announced
Following the close of nominations today, it has been announced that there are are FIVE candidates standing for the Filton and Bradley Stoke seat in the general election on 12th December 2019:

13th November 2019
Bradley Stoke mayor taken to court by former tenants
Bradley Stoke mayor Tom Aditya ‘was awful landlord’ and says he can’t afford to repay debt to ex-tenants, reports the Bristol Post.

10th November 2019
Bradley Stoke Remembrance Parade
Video of the parade at Manor Farm Roundabout as it heads towards the Willow Brook Centre.

8th November 2019
Manor Farm Roundabout Remembrance display
Giant Remembrance poppies have been installed in the Bradley Stoke in Bloom display on Manor Farm Roundabout.

6th November 2019
Brook Way Activity Centre hard court
Redevelopment of the hard court area at Brook Way Activity Centre looks to be nearing completion. Once it is finished, there will be twenty additional parking bays at the combined activity centre and doctors’ surgery site, with the remainder of the former hard court area converted to green space.

3rd November 2019
2019 Bradley Stoke Fireworks Display
Please share your own photos via the comments on this post. What did you think of the show?

25th October 2019
Are smart motorways “too confusing”?
There are plenty of ‘smart motorway’ stretches near Bradley Stoke. Are they effective in improving the flow of traffic? Are they “too confusing” for road users?…

23rd October 2019
A4174 Ring Road 2+ lane issues near Coldharbour Lane junction
Seen on Twitter: “@sgloscouncil getting from stoke Gifford bypass to turn left to UWE is taking 20-25mins daily to travel 200m…

20th September 2019
Parking charges in Bradley Stoke and Stoke Gifford
Places in Bradley Stoke (BS) and Stoke Gifford (SG) where you might receive a ‘charge notice’ for parking on private land if you don’t follow the rules…

12th September 2019
Bradley Stoke mayor Tom Aditya featured in the Indian press
The current mayor of Bradley Stoke, Cllr Tom Aditya, has been featured in an article in the New Indian Express.

4th September 2019
Did you spot the ‘father and son’ Stormtroopers in Bradley Stoke?
A father and son who stopped cars and buses during a walk dressed as Stormtroopers said it was good to “make others feel happy”, reports BBC Bristol. The Star Wars fans were spotted walking along the main route into Bradley Stoke on Sunday…

26th August 2019
Reports of a serious incident in Honeysuckle Close
Police are still at the scene of a serious incident which took place last night [Sun 25th Aug] in Bradley Stoke, reports the Bristol Post. There is a police cordon in place in Honeysuckle Close and residents have reported seeing blood on the floor…

23rd August 2019
M1 MetroBus off-peak frequency to be reduced from 1st September
First Bus has announced that the Monday to Friday off-peak and Saturday daytime frequency of the M1 MetroBus service will be reduced from ‘every 10 minutes’ to ‘every 12 minutes’ and the Monday to Saturday evening frequency will be reduced from ‘every 10 minutes’ to ‘every 20 minutes’.

16th August 2019
New charity shop opens at Willow Brook
The new Children’s Hospice South West shop at Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook Centre was officially opened this morning.

15th August 2019
Post-16 results day at Bradley Stoke Community School
Cllr Erica Williams, South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet member for schools, skills and employment joined in the celebration of students’ achievements.

13th August 2019
Man drunkenly threw meat cleaver at ex-partner’s home
A Bradley Stoke man has avoided jail after lobbing a meat cleaver at his former partner’s home while drunk, reports the Bristol Post.

2nd August 2019
T3 (ex-X73) bus service to be axed from September
Bradley Stoke’s original (pre-MetroBus) express bus service, the T3 (formerly X73), is to be CANCELLED from 15th September, according to information that has appeared recently on the South Gloucestershire Council website.

12th July 2019
MP’s ex-employee “vindicated” by apology
Filton and Bradley Stoke MP Jack Lopresti has apologised to a former employee after she complained about being bullied and harassed by him, reports the BBC.

19th June 2019
Kites flying high at Willow Brook
An aerial display formed of scores of colourful kites has been installed in the town square at the Willow Brook Centre in Bradley Stoke.

6th June 2019
Road bumps being replaced at Willow Brook
Work is currently being done on the traffic calming measures at the Willow Brook Centre. It looks like some of the new full-width speed bumps are being replaced with the original speed cushions.

4th June 2019
Rainy Tuesday brings #GipsyPatchPain
TRAVEL NEWS (ROAD): A rainy Tuesday morning combined with the Gipsy Patch Lane closure is putting stress on the local road network at present.

2nd June 2019
Gipsy Patch Lane road closure starts tomorrow
REMINDER: Gipsy Patch Lane will closed to all vehicles* at the railway bridge for four weeks from tomorrow (Monday 3rd June).

2nd June 2019
Traffic queues to get out of the Willow Brook Centre
Rainy Sunday, 4pm: The queue to get out of the Willow Brook Centre currently extends around the full perimeter of the car park.

26th May 2019
‘Debbie the cow’ display at Manor Farm Roundabout damaged again
There is an unverified report that a car drove over the roundabout last night.

24th May 2019
Overnight closures of Bradley Stoke Way for resurfacing
Bradley Stoke Way, between Patchway Brook and Savages Wood roundabouts, will be closed overnight for five nights from Monday 27th May.  A diversion via Brook Way will be signed.

19th May 2019
More vandalism at Manor Farm Roundabout
A Peppa Pig figure that was part of the Bradley Stoke in Bloom display has been smashed.

19th May 2019
Bike vandalised near Bradley Stoke Surgery
Bradley Stoke in Bloom report of a bike being vandalised (near BS Surgery).

17th May 2019
Another fire in Savages Wood
Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group reporting another fire in Savages Wood.

16th May 2019
How to arrange items in your recycling boxes
This is how South Gloucestershire Council asks residents to sort their recycling for the weekly kerbside collections.

14th May 2019
Authorities engage in public spat over responsibility for traffic lights
So just who *is* responsible for the “faulty” traffic signals at M5 J16 (Almondsbury Roundabout)? A very public spat is currently playing out on Twitter between Highways England and someone claiming to be “the principal engineer from South Glos Council”.

13th May 2019
Fire and aerosol cans in Savages Wood
Kingswood Fire Station tweeted: “We have been to a bonfire in Bradley Stoke. Spent time emptying and making these aerosol cans inoperable after the fire was out. Children in the [area] were given advice.”

12th May 2019
Diversion route for Gipsy Patch Lane road closure
This is the signed diversion route that will be in place during the four-week closure of Gipsy Patch Lane (at the railway bridge) in June.

6th May 2019
Stolen ‘Debbie the cow’ recovered
‘Debbie the cow’, stolen from Manor Farm Roundabout, has been recovered, reports the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group.

5th May 2019
Vandalism in the nature reserve and theft of ‘Debbie the cow’
Saddened to report more vandalism spoiling the efforts of the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group and Bradley Stoke in Bloom, including the theft of ‘Debbie the cow’ from Manor Farm Roundabout this evening.

2nd May 2019
Follow up on ‘car shunts police car’ story
Driver gets off with warning after crashing into back of police car on Bradley Stoke Way

25th April 2019
Things are getting personal in the school funding debate
Jack Lopresti MP raises “concern” over Olympus Academy Trust CEO Dave Baker’s remuneration package during a House of Commons debate on school funding.

23rd April 2019
CCTV images released in connection with Willow Brook Centre bank card theft inquiry
A bank card stolen from 85-year-old woman used to buy almost £1,800 worth of goods and withdraw £250 in cash.

17th March 2019
New speed bumps at the Willow Brook Centre
Two new full-width speed bumps have been installed on the access road to the Willow Brook Centre, replacing the previous cushion-type bumps. Are they “too harsh” (as suggested by one reader) or a necessary inconvenience to deter speeding?

17th March 2019
Charity Christmas lights stalwart Terry James RIP
Very saddened to hear that Terry James, joint host with partner Mike Checkley of the fantastic Watch Elm Close charity Christmas lights display, passed away earlier this week.

14th March 2019
Large emergency services response to incident in Little Meadow
“Large emergency response on Bradley Stoke street as police confirm death,” reports the Bristol Post. “A spokesperson for Avon and Somerset police has confirmed the death is not being treated as suspicious.”

10th March 2019
Fire on Trench Lane
Trench Lane remains closed following a fire incident. One reader said the incident “looks like a barn fire”, while other reports speak of a fire at an industrial unit.

7th March 2019
Buses holding up traffic at non-lay-by stops
Buses on newly introduced routes (T1, MetroBus?) are holding up traffic at stops on Bradley Stoke Way and making congestion worse, suggests a reader. Your views?

27th February 2019
Massive Attack concert
Massive Attack concert on Filton Airfield this Friday and Saturday. Highways chiefs are warning travellers to allow extra time for their journeys, particularly on Friday evening.

20th February 2019
RAF Tornado flypast
Photos of today’s RAF Tornado farewell flypast over MOD Abbey Wood, by local resident Graham Bloomfield.

14th February 2019
Airbus BelugaXL flypast
Airbus BelugaXL flying over the Stokes this afternoon. It approached from the east at around 2.50pm on the way to a flypast at the Airbus site in Filton.

9th February 2019
Bradley Stoke 10k Run: Enter now!
Entries are now open for the Bradley Stoke 10k, which takes place on Sunday 9th June 2019.

8th February 2019
Woodlands Lane potholes
Seen on Twitter: “@sgloscouncil these pot holes were reported to ‘FixMyStreet’ in April 2018 but have still not been fixed. Woodlands Lane almost outside the Toby Carvery in Bradley Stoke. Are you actually going to fix them at some point? I’m tired of my car going over these.”

7th February 2019
Councillors to inspect site of proposed McDonald’s drive-through
Never mind the Golden Arches, this is the Golden Rectangle, spray-painted in the car park of the Willow Brook Centre to mark the outline position of a proposed McDonald’s drive-through restaurant.

1st February 2019
Snow day #2
Who’s been out tobogganing in Bradley Stoke today? Please share your photos/videos in a comment on this post.

1st February 2019
Snow day#1
From a reader: “Thought I would share this idiot driving without clearing snow from the car!”

31st January 2019
Amber weather warning
Amber weather warning for snow in our area issued by the Met Office at 10.23am today.

28th January 2019
Consultation on school admission rules
The Olympus Academy Trust is consulting on the proposed admission arrangements for the academic year 2020/21.

24th January 2019
Decision on McDonald’s and Starbucks units deferred
South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Management Committee has voted to DEFER a decision on the planning application for development at the Willow Brook Centre, to allow councillors on the committee to hold a site inspection visit in two weeks’ time.

18th January 2019
BBC report on the M1 MetroBus stop announcer
If you’ve been on the M1 MetroBus, you’ll have heard Fran (assuming the stop announcement system was working)…

15th January 2019
Reader survey: M1 MetroBus one week in
It’s now over a week since the M1 MetroBus service started. We’d like to hear your views on the new service, particularly if you’ve used it, but also if you’ve considered using it but decided not to, for whatever reason.

14th January 2019
Big Spring Clean 2019
How about carrying out a litter pick in your neighbourhood this spring?

11th January 2019
MetroBus stop announcer revealed
Bristol 24/7 speaks to the lady whose Bristolian burr announces each stop on the M1 MetroBus route.

5th January 2019
Free travel on M1 MetroBus tomorrow
Launch day offer: TRAVEL FOR FREE tomorrow (Sunday 6th January) on the new M1 MetroBus service. Simply jump on board, no ticket needed!

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