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Walking and Cycling

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Welcome to The Journal’s guide to walking and cycling in Bradley Stoke.


Signpost near Savages Wood Roundabout, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Bradley Stoke has a surprisingly large number of pedestrian-only and shared usage (pedestrian/cyclist) routes. Maps of the path network are displayed at many places in the town.

South Gloucestershire Council has been keen to encourage the use of these routes for short journeys to schools and the shops. Take a look at The Journal’s map of pedestrian routes into the new town centre.

The Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve (LNR) in Bradley Stoke offers a network of well-maintained traffic-free routes, ideal for exploring the local environment. The Three Brooks Walk and the Forest of Avon Community Forest Path both pass through the reserve and offer walkers a chance to explore the wider countryside.

More Information:

Severnside Ramblers, the local branch of the Ramblers Association, organises a number of walks each week. Meeting point is the Aldi car park in Bradley Stoke, with members sharing cars from there to the starting point of each walk.

South Gloucestershire Council runs a Walking to Health programme. This project tries to make walking even easier by organising everything for you, such as, where to walk, where to start your walk and how to get there. Walking as part of a group can also make you feel safer and allow you to explore areas you may not feel confident to do on your own.

Useful Links:



Cycling around Bradley StokeThe “Cycling around Bradley Stoke” leaflet, from South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), provides information on suggested routes and cycle parking in the Bradley Stoke area.

The leaflet illustrates cycle-only routes, as well as routes with the least amount of traffic that are quieter and safer to cycle along. Locations where people can safely park their bikes are also marked.

The leaflet was produced in July 2008, so does not show routes and facilities in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre, which is due to open in Autumn 2008.

Copies of the leaflet can be picked up from Bradley Stoke Library. It may also be ordered online (free of charge) via the SGC website.

The leaflet can also be downloaded [PDF, 1.4MB] from the Better by Bike website.

Useful Links:


Stokes Cycling Club

24th April 2010:  New club for leisure cyclists in and around Bradley Stoke

Stokes Cycling Club

A new leisure cycling club serving the ‘Five Stokes’: Bradley Stoke; Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke; Great Stoke and Harry Stoke.

The aims of the club are to:

  • Set up and run a local leisure and pleasure cycling club (not for road racing or competition) for everyone in and around the Five Stokes area
  • Be based and have most of the cycle trips starting from the Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre with rides up to maybe 25 miles max, on quiet country roads and recognised cycles routes
  • Encourage beginner cyclists to take part and link in with the adult cycling training sessions already offered by South Gloucestershire Council
  • Encourage all of the family to take part and existing cyclists to cycle more
  • Children are welcome to take part, but must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
  • Involve some of the local bike shops to become active and supporting members
  • Publicise our Club and activities on an easily accessible website and in printed format
  • Have a Code of Conduct
  • Be affiliated to CTC for experience, insurance and further activities etc., and maybe offer a discount on their usual Affiliated Membership fee

Organised rides

See The Journal’s What’s On guide for details of bike rides organised by the Stokes Cycing Club.

For all rides, please do make sure that you have:

  • Checked your bike over well and checked your tyres for condition and pressures
  • a spare inner tube and/or puncture repair kit, tyre levers, basic cycle tools – although the ride leader and helpers will be reasonably equipped and have a first aid kit too
  • some water – and for the Medium and Longer rides, maybe a bit of food to keep you going and for when we stop along the way and at our destination
  • a few pounds just in case you need anything
  • a mobile phone… you never know!
  • appropriate clothing and maybe a waterproof in case it rains and/or a fleece top to keep you warm on a cool day

If you intend coming along, then please try and let us know beforehand, but of course you are welcome to just turn up at the appointed time ALL WILL BE MADE TO FEEL WELCOME and we promise not to lose you on the way!

Contact: Bryan Huish
Tel: 01454 617560
Website: Stokes Cycling Club


North Bristol Cycling Club

We are a very friendly and laid back road cycling group, our aim is to enjoy our cycling with others who share our passion. We are based in the North Bristol and South Gloucestershire area. Most of our rides start in Bradley Stoke but we do occasionally start from other local locations to expand our range of rides. We are not a competition orientated group and we vary our rides to suit the pace of the members on each run. Our rides usually take place on a Sunday morning and cover a range of 25 to 45 miles with stops from time to time depending on the terrain and the capability of the group.

We are a very diverse bunch of riders in age, ability and size! There are no membership costs and newbies are very welcome. Making new friends whilst enjoying our hobby/sport, get some fresh air and perhaps improve our fitness is what we are all about. If you think this might appeal to you why not register with our group and join in with our rides?

Website: North Bristol Cycling Club

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