Banks & Building Societies

Cash - where to get it in Bradley Stoke, Bristol

Bradley Stoke currently has just the one bank branch (located at the Willow Brook Centre) but there are other financial institutions in nearby Filton, Patchway, Winterbourne and at the Aztec West Business Park.

Useful links:

Banks & Building Societies in Bradley Stoke

Santander Agency Branch, Bradley Stoke, Bristol

Santander Agency – NOW CLOSED
Mall Unit 8
Willow Brook Centre
Bradley Stoke
BS32 8EF
Tel: 01454 614808
Website: Santander UK
External cash machine: No
UPDATE: The Santander agency closed in June 2014

Santander Bradley Stoke - first anniversary

Photo: Santander Agency first anniversary celebration

Cash Machines in Bradley Stoke

ATMs (cash machines) are located at:

Banks & Building Societies in Neighbouring Areas

Aztec West Business Park, Almondsbury, Bristol

At the Aztec West Business Park:

  • HSBC Bank

On the Gloucester Road, Patchway:

  • Barclays Bank
  • Lloyds TSB Bank
  • Coventry Building Society Agency

Coventry Building Society, Patchway, Bristol

For full details see: Patchway Banks and Building Societies (Patchway Journal)


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