Bradley Stoke Conservative candidates and supporters at the 2015 local elections count in Thornbury.

Another clean sweep for the Conservatives in district and town elections

Local Conservatives are celebrating a clean sweep of all five Bradley Stoke seats in the South Gloucestershire district elections and all 15 seats on Bradley Stoke Town Council, repeating their across the board victory at the last local elections in 2011. The results leave former town mayor Ben Walker, who defected to UKIP a year after being elected on a Conservative ticket in

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Elections in Bradley Stoke on Thursday 7th May 2015.

Polling stations open for trio of elections

Bradley Stoke has seven polling stations open today for voting in the 2015 general, district and town elections. The local polling stations (open until 10pm) are: Baileys Court Activity Centre Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church, Baileys Court Road Brook Way Activity Centre Church of Christ the King, Mautravers Close Holy Trinity Church, Broad Croft Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road St Joseph’s Centre

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Annual General Meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council (2011).

Candidates announced for town elections

Candidates for the Bradley Stoke Town Council elections, which take place on the same day as the general election (Thursday 7th May), have been officially announced. The Conservatives, who won all 15 seats on the town council at the last election in 2011, put up the highest number of candidates (15), followed by UKIP (8) and Labour (6). The Liberal Democrats,

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