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Photo of the committee meeting in progress.

Town council objects to Willow Brook Centre’s “McDonald’s & Starbucks” planning application

The Willow Book Centre’s plans to expand its tenant base through the addition of two new drive-through food and drink units (foreseen to be occupied by McDonald’s and Starbucks) and two new retail units have received a setback after a Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) committee voted to raise an objection to the formal planning application, submitted on 26th March.

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Photo of around 30 protesters, some holding placards, outside the Willow Brook Centre.

Battle-hardened residents’ group vows to fight planned shopping centre expansion

News that the Willow Brook Centre is proposing to build two free-standing food and drink units in the north-east corner of its site (as previously reported) has been swiftly condemned by members of a local residents’ group whose properties adjoin the northern boundary of the complex. The Dewfalls and Wheatfield Drive Residents Association (DAWDRA) is a group that was originally

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Starbucks and McDonald's are set to come to the Willow Brook Centre.

Willow Brook reveals plans for McDonald’s and Starbucks drive-throughs

Agents working on behalf of Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook shopping centre have revealed proposals to erect two drive-through food and drink units (McDonald’s and Starbucks) and two additional (non-food) retail units within the existing boundaries of the site. Subject to planning permission, the two drive-throughs would be erected to the north-east of the site, on land which currently comprises car parking

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