The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Wessex Connect bus services, Bristol

Bus changes set to be discussed at Area Forum

Town Councillors have urged residents concerned by proposed changes to bus services in Bradley Stoke to attend tonight’s Southern Brooks Area Forum meeting in Filton. Residents attending last week’s Town Council Planning Committee meeting were advised that the changes were a commercial decision by the operator, Wessex Connect, and not South Gloucestershire Council (SGC). Protests by bus users and Journal

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Local organisations in line for share of £23k grant fund

A number of clubs and organisations that operate in Bradley Stoke will tonight (Tuesday 31st) learn the fate of grant applications made to South Gloucestershire Council’s Southern Brooks Area Forum. The Forum, which has £23k to allocate from its Capital Grant Funding scheme, has received 17 applications totalling £37k. Organisations with Bradley Stoke links that have applied for funding include

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Area forum to decide on £29k of grant funding

A meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum this evening (Tuesday 2nd March) will allocate funding of £29,220 to a selection of projects proposed by local voluntary organisations under the Small Grant Scheme. A total of 27 applications have been received, from organisations which include:  Four Towns Play Association (£3,000 for equipment, staff training and publicity), Three Brooks Nature Conservation

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Area forum to discuss grants for local organisations

A meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum on Tuesday (1st September) is set to discuss grant applications from Bradley Stoke organisations. Area forums, organised by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), give local people the opportunity to talk about issues and concerns that affect their neighbourhoods. They champion local needs and aspirations and gather the views of residents about specific community

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Residents’ views sought at Area Forum

Bradley Stoke’s Baileys Court Activity Centre is tonight (Tuesday 3rd March) hosting a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Southern Brooks Area Forum (7pm start). The Council sees the Area Fourm as an opportunity “to consider decisions at a local level and to consider local views in the decision-making process”. The agenda promises an update on the Greater Bristol Cycling City

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