Bradley Stoke Journal.

Area forum to decide on £29k of grant funding

A meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum this evening (Tuesday 2nd March) will allocate funding of £29,220 to a selection of projects proposed by local voluntary organisations under the Small Grant Scheme. A total of 27 applications have been received, from organisations which include:  Four Towns Play Association (£3,000 for equipment, staff training and publicity), Three Brooks Nature Conservation

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

School admission offers posted today

Letters detailing offers of primary and secondary school places for admission in September 2010 are being posted today (using 2nd class mail) by South Gloucestershire Council. Parents/carers who applied online will be able to view the results on the Internet from “late afternoon” today, provided they can remember their username and password (chosen at the time of application). Popular schools

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

South Gloucestershire agrees 2.5% council tax rise for 2010/2011

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has agreed a 2.5% rise in council tax for 2010/2011. The increase, agreed at last Wednesday’s Full Council meeting, is well below the government’s favoured CPI (Consumer Prices Index) measure of inflation, which registered 3.5% in January. It is however higher than the expected average Council Tax increase for all English authorities, which has been estimated

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Consultation opens on proposed ‘raised table’ cycle crossings

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has opened a public consultation on plans for a number of ‘raised table’ cycle crossings within Bradley Stoke. The proposed crossings are part of Cycling City Route 3, which will link Parkway Station to Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre. The Statement of Reasons document published by the Council explains: These crossing points consist of a raised table

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Stay and play session marks opening of Sure Start Centre

Bradley Stoke’s Sure Start Children’s Centre begins operations today (Tuesday 2nd) with a ‘stay and play’ session for pre-school children and their carers. The session, running from 1:15pm to 3:15pm, will be repeated twice-weekly – on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Sure Start Centre is located within Bowsland Green Primary School, Ellicks Close (off Bowsland Way). More information: Sure Start Children’s

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Consultation opens on proposed parking regulation changes for Pear Tree Road

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has opened a public consultation on plans to change the Traffic Regulation Order governing parking restrictions in Pear Tree Road. The move is associated with the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement, which moved the responsibility for enforcing parking regulations from the police to local authorities. Council officers say that enforcing parking restrictions is difficult if the

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