Wessex Connect bus services, Bristol

Bus changes set to be discussed at Area Forum

Town Councillors have urged residents concerned by proposed changes to bus services in Bradley Stoke to attend tonight’s Southern Brooks Area Forum meeting in Filton. Residents attending last week’s Town Council Planning Committee meeting were advised that the changes were a commercial decision by the operator, Wessex Connect, and not South Gloucestershire Council (SGC). Protests by bus users and Journal

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Brook Way Youth Club, Bradley Stoke

Youth clubs facing uncertain future after Councils withdraw funding

Youth clubs in Bradley Stoke are once again facing an uncertain future after local Councils informed the current service provider that they are to withdraw funding from 31st October. An announcement posted on the website of Southern Brooks Community Partnership (the current provider) earlier this week explains that the Town Council and South Gloucestershire Youth Service have informed the organisation

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Streetlights on Bradley Stoke Way.

Street light switch-off resumes after being halted due to complaints

The implementation of a scheme to switch-off most of Bradley Stoke’s street lights for five hours a night has resumed following a one week suspension after South Gloucestershire Council experienced a surge in complaints The big switch-off started in early April after members of Bradley Stoke Town Council voted for the scheme to be implemented following a public consultation in

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Minister discusses broadband improvement options with SGC

Broadband Minister Ed Vaizey, in town last week to help launch the Conservatives’ local election manifesto, met officials at South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) to “discuss options” for improving the area’s broadband speeds. The talks came just a day after BT had announced that it is to upgrade the Filton exchange (0117 numbers) to its Infinity superfast broadband technology in 2012.

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