The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.

Surgery comes under fire from Deputy Mayor over footpath obstruction

Bradley Stoke’s Deputy Mayor Ben Walker has expressed concern over obstruction of the pavement around the recently-erected works compound at Bradley Stoke Surgery on Brook Way. He raised the matter at last Wednesday’s Planning Committee meeting, asking if ISG Pearce – the contractor working on the surgery extension project, had permission to obstruct the highway in this way. He also

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Town Council lodges objection to plans for motor vehicle sales at Vantage Office Park

The Planning Committee of Bradley Stoke Town Council has lodged a strongly-worded objection to a change of usage application for the site of the Bristol Motorcycle Training Centre in the south-east corner of the town. The centre, located within the Vantage Office Park on Old Gloucester Road, was established in 1979 and claims to have been the country’s first purpose

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Primary school resubmits “contentious” plan for extra parking places

Bowsland Green Primary School has submitted a planning application to create eleven additional parking places within the school grounds despite having to withdraw a similar plan earlier this year because planning officials considered it “contentious”. South Gloucestershire Council’s Local Plan suggests a cap of one parking space for every two members of staff, but with 15 spaces already available for

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Construction of MS Therapy Centre set to start this month

Construction of a new Multiple Sclerosis Therapy centre on land off Bradley Stoke Way could start before the end of the month according to a planning document published by SouthGloucestershire Council (SGC). Planning officials recommended that the project be given the go-ahead earlier this month and their decision has now been confirmed after Council members chose not to “call in”

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Go ahead given for second temporary classroom block at Baileys Court Primary School

Planners at South Gloucestershire Council have gven the go ahead for a second temporary classroom block to be erected at Bradley Stoke’s Baileys Court Primary School. The planning application, lodged in December 2008, is for an Elliot modular building configured to host two classrooms. The new block will be located on a section of playing field on the Baileys Court

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Town Council objections ineffectual as SouthGlos approves “The Brooks Centre” signage

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has approved a “controversial” planning application for advertising signage in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development. As reported in The Journal’s article on 30th April, Bradley Stoke Town Council’s (BSTC) planning committee unanimously agreed to oppose the application at a meeting on 23rd April, but the committee apparently overlooked the fact that SGC’s consultation period for

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Views of public invited on plans for future development in South Gloucestershire

Residents of South Gloucestershire are being urged to have their say on the future development of the district following proposals from the South West Regional Assembly (SWRA) which could result in the building of nearly 31,000 new homes by 2026. While some of this development will be met from existing major new planned development areas at Northfield (Filton), Emersons Green

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