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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Town Council had “no comment” on October planning applications

October’s meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council’s Planning Committee, which was inquorate because only three of its eight members turned up, has submitted the following consultee response to South Gloucestershire Council for each of the seven planning applications it was due to consider: “Bradley Stoke Town Council has ‘No Comment’ to make on the above mentioned planning application.” Draft minutes

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Council rejects MS therapy centre’s Wheatfield Drive access plan

South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Development Contol (West) Committee has rejected an application by the developers of a proposed new MS therapy centre in Bradley Stoke to allow access to the site from Wheatfield Drive. In making the decision, members of the Committee (which includes two Bradley Stoke Councillors) ignored a recommendation from planning officers that the application should be approved

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Councillors to inspect Wheatfield MS therapy centre site

Councillors on South Gloucestershire’s (SGC’s) Development Control (West) Committee are to visit the site of a proposed MS therapy centre off Wheatfield Drive on Friday morning (11th June). The site visit, scheduled for 9:45am, has been arranged after Bradley Stoke SGC Councillor Brian Hopkinson “called in” the planning application “in order to allow members to consider the highway safety issues”.

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MS therapy centre planning application goes to appeal after Council fails to decide

A controversial planning application for the construction of a respite care centre on land off Wheatfield Drive has gone to appeal after South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) failed to determine the case within the required eight week period. The application, registered with SGC on 26th February, angered local residents and Town Councillors because it altered access arrangements established in an earlier

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Therapy centre access plan gets thumbs down from residents

Plans for an MS therapy centre and an associated respite care centre on land between Wheatfield Drive and Bradley Stoke Way have attracted more than twenty consultation replies from individuals and organisations concerned about the proposed vehicular access arrangements for the two facilities. An earlier planning application for the MS therapy centre stated that access would be off Bradley Stoke

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