The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Masterplan (extract).

Council designates Woodlands Golf Course “preferred site” for 1,750 homes

The likelihood that thousands of new homes will be built on Woodlands Golf Course near Bradley Stoke has increased after the location was identified as a ‘preferred site’ in the latest draft of South Gloucestershire Council’s emerging Local Plan. Local Conservative councillors have opposed building on the golf course site, saying it will be “enormously damaging for Bradley Stoke” and lead to “traffic chaos”.

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South Gloucestershire Council's Policies, Sites and Places Plan.

‘Drop-in’ consultation event on council’s 13-year detailed planning document

A ‘drop in’ public consultation event at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre on Tuesday (15th July) will give residents a chance to express their views on how Bradley Stoke and other parishes across South Gloucestershire should be developed, protected and improved over the next 13 years. The event focuses on South Gloucestershire Council’s recently-published draft Policies, Sites and Places Plan, which

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