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Local school needs your vote in finals of wildlife gardening competition!

A Bradley Stoke school has made it through to the finals of Avon Wildlife Trust’s 2023 Wildlife Gardening Competition and is asking members of the local community to vote for it. Wheatfield Primary School has been recognised regionally for its wildlife-friendly approach in managing its school grounds and it is now showcasing simple wildlife projects that can make an impact on our local environment.

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

[Forum] Bradley Stoke in Bloom

Dear Editor, I have lived in The Culvert for just over two years and have been looking at the lack of flowers/plant life around Bradley Stoke in the residential areas. I’m from Shropshire and the town I’m from has won Britain in Bloom on numerous occasions. The main area focused on in Shropshire are the roundabouts. They get local businesses

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