Bradley Stoke Journal.

New town centre to be called “Willow Brook”

The judging panel tasked with selecting a name for Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development has chosen “Willow Brook” as the best suggestion submitted in a public competition jointly organised by Bradley Stoke Town Council and Tesco. The competition was held after a remarkable U-turn by Tesco, which had previously insisted on using the name “The Brooks Centre“, despite having

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Bowel disease charity to benefit from new Mayor’s fundraising

Bradley Stoke’s newly elected Mayor, Robert Jones, has chosen the National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease (NACC) as the organisation to benefit from his charitable fundraising efforts during his year in office. Last year’s Mayor, Julian Barge, raised £5823 for his his two chosen charities – the Bristol Urological Prostate Cancer Appeal and the Nicola Corry Support Foundation. The

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