Mayor says Bradley Stoke residents deserve apology after SWRDA put-down

Mayor Robert Jones has demanded an apology from South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA) Chairman Ian Knight, who has singled out Bradley Stoke as a example of poor town planning. The put-down was reported in yesterday’s Bristol Evening Post, in a article about the proposed £2.5 billion Ashton Park development in South Bristol. The article quotes Mr Knight as saying:

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Continuity of Bradley Stoke youth work assured after Council re-think

Continuity of youth work in Bradley Stoke looks assured after Town Councillors voted unanimously to fund Southern Brooks Community Partnership (SBCP) for six months beyond 31st March, when the organisation’s current contract is due to expire. A recent meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council’s (BSTC’s) Finance & Leisure (F&L) Committee saw Councillors minded to offer only a two month extension,

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

South Gloucestershire agrees 3.9% council tax rise for 2009/2010

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has agreed a 3.9% increase in council tax for 2009/2010, the second lowest in the Council’s short history. The increase, agreed at yesterday’s Full Council meeting, once again exceeds the government’s favoured CPI (Consumer Prices Index) measure of inflation, which registered 3.0% in January. By comparison, North Somerset Council looks set to agree an increase of

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Meeting called to discuss Jubilee Green plans after complaints over lack of public consultation

A public meeting has been called to discuss proposals for a major new play park on the Jubilee Green at Savages Wood Road, following complaints that there has been insufficient public consultation over the project. News of the project first surfaced back in February, with the Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) newsletter announcing the award of £55,00 for a “Beacon

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MP and residents call on Town Council to provide allotments

Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) has received a petition from a group of electors calling on it to provide allotments for local residents, as required by the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908. The petition was received at last month’s Full Council meeting and has been backed by local LibDem MP Steve Webb, who has written to the Council in support of the campaigners. Under

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