2010 Community Festival gets underway today

The 2010 Bradley Stoke Community Festival gets underway at 9am today (Friday) with a coffee morning, table top sale and children’s entertainment at the Jubilee Centre in Savages Wood Road. The annual pre-school Picnic in the Park runs from 11am to 2pm – with entertainment from Professor Panic’s Circus, bubble man Steve Price and a bouncy castle. Saturday (12th June)

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Ben Walker is Bradley Stoke’s new Mayor

Ben Walker (Conservative) was elected the new Mayor of Bradley Stoke at last night’s Annual General Meeting of the Town Council. He received the ceremonial chain of office from outgoing Mayor Mark Forsyth, who had previously announced that he had raised a total of £6,735 for his two nominated charities during his year in office. The money in the Mayor’s

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Mayor calls “Extraordinary and Confidential” Council meeting

Bradley Stoke’s Mayor Mark Forsyth has called an Extraordinary and Confidential Meeting of Full Council on Wednesday 28th April, starting at 7pm. The meeting will preceed the regular Planning Committee meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 7:30pm. The main agenda topic is to “consider and action the recent Council Staff Pay Grading and Restructuring Review”. Due to employee/employer confidentiality

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