Bradley Stoke Community School girls football team, npower Girls Cup winners.

BSCS football team victorious in local round of npower Girls Cup

A team from Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) has won the local stage tournament of the 2012/13 npower Football League Girls Cup, which took place at the Bristol North Goals Soccer Centre on Friday 23rd November – organised by Bristol Rovers Football in the Community. Nine local secondary schools competed in this year’s tournament, showcasing some wonderful football and highlighting

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Star A-level performers at Bradley Stoke Community School, Bristol.

BSCS headteacher “pleased” with first-ever set of A-level results

The headteacher of Bradley Stoke Community School says he is pleased with the school’s first-ever set of A-level results announced today. Dave Baker, Executive Headteacher, was at the school’s Post Sixteen Centre at 9am this morning to welcome students arriving to collect their results envelopes. A total of 103 candidates were entered for 197 exams and 15% of the entries

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