Top performing Post-16 students at Bradley Stoke Community School

Post-16 exam results hit new highs at BSCS

Students at Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) have recorded the school’s “best ever” Post-16 examination results. Seventy-one percent of all grades awarded at A-level were A*-C and 46 percent were A*-B (42 percent last year). Over 80 percent of the grades awarded for vocational qualifications were at the highest levels of Distinction and Distinction* (78 percent in 2016). Headteacher Steve

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Photo of BSCS Catkins class learning in the forest school area.

Meadowbrook and BSCS primary schools celebrate achievement of quality award

  Two local primary schools are celebrating being awarded the ‘Bristol Standard’, a programme designed to help schools develop and improve the quality and effectiveness of their provision. Involvement in the Bristol Standard demonstrates commitment to reflective practice, self-evaluation and continuous quality improvement. The philosophy of the programme is that we can all ‘improve on our previous best’. Achieving the

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Bradley Stoke Community School.

Two local schools chosen to help train the next generation of teachers

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) and The Castle School Education Trust (CSET) have been awarded national ‘teaching school’ status as part of an innovative new partnership, recognised for their excellence as separate organisations and now working together on key aspects of local education provision. BSCS is named as the ‘lead’ school, basing operations at its site in Bradley Stoke, although

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Bradley Stoke Community School.

Trust warns of looming funding crisis at BSCS

Parents of students attending Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) have been warned of a looming financial crisis that could lead to the school day being shortened and/or class sizes being increased in order to save on staff costs. Other “unthinkable” cost-saving suggestions being put up for discussion include reducing support roles, such as teaching assistants, and asking parents/carers to make

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Business Networking Breakfast at Bradley Stoke Community School.

Local school seeks to build relationships with local employers

Staff and students at Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) are launching an initiative to build more dynamic, strong and fruitful relationships with business in the local area and beyond. BSCS headteacher Steve Moir explains: “We believe that education and business should be working together to ensure our students access the knowledge and skills they need to learn for the future.”

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Students at Bradley Stoke Community School, Bristol.

New measure ranks BSCS top secondary in South Gloucestershire

Data released in October 2016 ranks Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) as the top school in South Gloucestershire based on a new school performance measure introduced this year. The school scored +0.25, which means that, on average, students achieved a quarter of a grade more than expected in each of their GCSE (or equivalent) qualifications. Headteacher Steve Moir commented: “BSCS

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Top-achieving GCSE students at Bradley Stoke Community School. L-r: Sophie Brain, Mrudula Hirimagalur, Cristina Lojo, Thomas Smyth, Sadelle Onamade, Rachel Bennett, Emmanuelle Deliot and Abi Todd.

Best ever GCSE examination results at BSCS

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) has posted its best ever GCSE outcomes, marking a significant improvement in comparison with last year. Sixty-eight percent of students achieved 5A*-C including English and maths (54 percent last year). The new measure of ‘basics’ (English and maths A*-C combined) was achieved by 69 percent of students. English GCSE saw an impressive 82 percent of

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