Bradley Stoke Community School.

BSCS registers interest in becoming an academy

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) has officially registered its interest in becoming an academy, according to information released by the Government following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. The move could lead to BSCS receiving its funding directly from the Government (instead of South Gloucestershire Council) and would give the school more control over the pay and conditions of staff

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St Mary's Primary School, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

BSCS Samba Band gets carnival call up

The Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) Samba Band, which performed to great acclaim at the recent Bradley Stoke Community Festival (photo), has been invited to join a carnival procession through Broadmead, Bristol, tomorrow (Saturday 19th June) between 12 noon and 4pm. The procession forms part of the St. Paul’s Carnival Unwrapped event, a preview for the St Paul’s Carnival, which

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Telegraph says new MP is BSCS old boy

A profile of Bradley Stoke’s new MP Jack Lopresti in The Daily Telegraph claims that the former mortgage broker received his “state education” at Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS). Somehow I don’t think that’s correct. By my calculation, Mr Lopresti, born in 1969, would have attended secondary school in the 1980s. BSCS opened in September 2005.

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

BSCS headteacher swims Everest

Dave Baker, Headteacher of Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS), has successfully completed a charity swim that saw him cover the height of Everest (8,848 metres or 354 lengths of a swimming pool) in a little over three and a half hours. The remarkable feat, in aid of the school’s minibus fund, was performed at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre on Sport

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