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Bradley Stoke 10k Run

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.
Photo of a large group of runners.
Archive image: Start of the 2015 Bradley Stoke 10k Run.

The Bradley Stoke 10k Run is held annually in June as part of the Bradley Stoke Community Festival. The race is organised by Sole Sisters, the only all women UK Athletics affiliated running group based in North Bristol.

The race is described as “multi-terrain”, being partly on tracks through the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve but also on tarmac footpaths (e.g. behind Juniper Way and along Bradley Stoke Way). The course has a slight amount of climb as it crosses or follows the Three Brooks stream network. Winning times were 33:36 (men) and 41:17 (women) in 2009.

It is anticipated that the next Bradley Stoke 10k Run will take place on Sunday 8th June 2025 (TBC).

Bradley Stoke 10k 2024

The 2024 race took place on Sunday 9th June.

Photo of runners in a race.
Bradley Stoke 10k Run 2024: Runners pass through the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve, about 1.5km into the race.

2024 race result

Photo of a male runner approaching the finish of a race.
Race winner: Marcus Dunsford.


  1. Marcus Dunsford 32:41
  2. Shaun Hudson 37:21
  3. Nick Tuftnell 37:26


  1. Freya Bradley 35:18
  2. Jessie Sanzo 38:03
  3. Kelly Dicks 40:30

More: Full race results (DB Max)


2024 Race photos

Bradley Stoke Journal
Roly’s Free Pic’s
B. East Photography

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More local races in 2024


Race Route

The interactive map below shows the route of the annual Bradley Stoke 10k Race, organised by Sole Sisters Running Club, North Bristol. Race start time is 9.30am. The course closes at 11am.

2024 race route

“For those of you who have run the Bradley Stoke 10km before, please be aware there is a slight change to the route for 2024. It retains many of the features you know and love, however the start this year will be in the field at the Jubilee Centre and the run will begin with a lap of the field and go down the lane which parallels Braydon Avenue (the way you come back to the finish).”

“The route will also go around Webbs Wood Road before crossing Bradley Stoke Way (mile 3-4), with a left turn back on yourself to re-enter the Nature Reserve (mile 4-5), meaning you don’t run up to the pelican crossing.”

Source: Bradley Stoke 10km 2024 on Facebook

Pre-2024 race route

The start (at the Jubilee Centre) is shown by the blue marker, the finish (also at the Jubilee Centre) by the green marker. The yellow markers show recommended viewing points around the circuit together with expected times of arrival of the lead runners at each point (click on any marker to see this information).

The first lap of the race is shown in blue, the second lap in red.

View Bradley Stoke 10K Race Route in a larger map

Click on a marker or route line to see a description. Use the navigation controls in the top left corner to zoom in or out. Click and drag to move the map. Can't see the map? - You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser [help].

For best effect, we recommend using the Larger Map.

Traffic Management

There are no road closures associated with the race, however road users may experience “short delays”, between 9.30am and 11am, at a number of locations on the course.

Road sign.

Delays may be encountered for a few minutes after the start (9.30am) as the runners pass down Brook Way, between Manor Farm Roundabout and the Braydon Avenue mini-roundabout.

Short delays may then be encountered, until the course closes (11am), at the following road crossing points (supervised by volunteer marshals):

  • Bradley Stoke Way and Baileys Court Road, near Great Meadow Roundabout
  • Webbs Wood Road, near Webbs Wood Roundabout
  • Toucan crossing on Bradley Stoke Way, near Savages Wood Roundabout
  • Brook Way, near Bradley Stoke Surgery

Archive page

For results and photos from previous years (back to 2010), visit the continuation page.

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