The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.


Collage of photos from the Bradley Stoke Journal photo archive.

An archive of news-related photos from the Bradley Stoke area of north Bristol, covering the period 2007 to 2024.

Our hi-res photos were originally uploaded to Google PicasaWeb, which has since transitioned to Google Photos (see below).

Photos taken from September 2010 onwards may also be available on our Facebook page: Bradley Stoke Journal Albums on Facebook

We have also uploaded a smaller selection of hi-res photos to Flickr: Bradley Stoke Journal Albums on Flickr

Similarly, a small number of videos may be viewed on our YouTube channel: Bradley Stoke Journal Videos

Unless otherwise indicated, all images and videos on our website and associated sharing platforms are copyright and permission must be sought before reuse elsewhere.

The photos that appear on our website are generally of a lower-resolution, particular so in the earlier years, in order to reduce load times. High-resolution versions of almost all images used on the website are available on request. Read more…

Our pictures have appeared in national newspapers (Daily Mail, Daily Express) and on regional TV (BBC Points West) as well as being featured in the local press (Western Daily Press, Bristol Evening Post, Thornbury Gazette).

South Gloucestershire Council, Bradley Stoke Town Council and numerous local charities and organisations have also used our images in their publications.


Shared photo albums

Take a look at our shared albums on Google Photos. They are shown in chronological order, earliest first.

Album thumbnails are show below. Click a thumbnail image to view high-resolution photos from the corresponding album on the Google Photos website (or in the Google Photos app).

Note: Albums of photos showing the progress the new town centre build over the period 2007 to 2009 are shown separately to avoid cluttering the main sequence of albums.

Due to the large number of albums, this page has continuation pages (sub-pages) as follows:

The text-only list may be helpful if you are looking for something specific based on a keyword.

General topics (2008 to 2011)

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