News and views from the town of Bradley Stoke, South Gloucestershire (BS32)
The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
An archive of news-related photos from the Bradley Stoke area of north Bristol, covering the period 2007 to 2024.
Our hi-res photos were originally uploaded to Google PicasaWeb, which has since transitioned to Google Photos (see below).
Unless otherwise indicated, all images and videos on our website and associated sharing platforms are copyright and permission must be sought before reuse elsewhere.
The photos that appear on our website are generally of a lower-resolution, particular so in the earlier years, in order to reduce load times. High-resolution versions of almost all images used on the website are available on request. Read more…
Our pictures have appeared in national newspapers (Daily Mail, Daily Express) and on regional TV (BBC Points West) as well as being featured in the local press (Western Daily Press, Bristol Evening Post, Thornbury Gazette).
South Gloucestershire Council, Bradley Stoke Town Council and numerous local charities and organisations have also used our images in their publications.
Shared photo albums
Take a look at our shared albums on Google Photos. They are shown in chronological order, earliest first.
Album thumbnails are show below. Click a thumbnail image to view high-resolution photos from the corresponding album on the Google Photos website (or in the Google Photos app).
Note: Albums of photos showing the progress the new town centre build over the period 2007 to 2009 are shown separately to avoid cluttering the main sequence of albums.
Due to the large number of albums, this page has continuation pages (sub-pages) as follows:
The text-only list may be helpful if you are looking for something specific based on a keyword.
General topics (2008 to 2011)
2008-04-06 Bradley Stoke Wildflowers and Conservation Work2008-04-20 Bowlers storm Baileys Court2008-04-26 Patchway Common2008-04-27 Bradley Stoke Nature2008-05-10 Jubilee Green Pond2008-05-21 Council Meeting2008-05-22 Pond Clearance2008-05-27 Bowlers Leave Baileys Court2008-06-05 Skate Park2008-06-07 Community Festival2008-06-07 Skate Park2008-06-08 Festival RunConstruction of The Willow Brook Centre2008-06-28 Summer Fayres2008-08-03 Fahrenheit Dance Team2008-09-03 Trench Lane Boot Sale2008-09-13 Three Brooks Orienteering2008-10-09 Willow Brook Council Preview2008-10-10 Willow Brook Centre2008-10-13 Willow Brook Centre Opening2008-10-18 Tesco Family Fun Day2008-10-21 Library Exhibition2008-11-29 Santa at Tesco Extra2008-11-29 Willow Brook Centre Christmas Lights Switch-On2008-12-12 Bradley Stoke Scouts’ Christmas Street Collection2008-12-14 Bradley Stoke Christmas LightsBradley Stoke Review of 20082008-12-16 Bradley Stoke Community School European Christmas Market2008-12-20 Bristol and Wales Cat Rescue2008-12-21 Christmas Orienteering, Three BrooksChristmas 20082009-01-31 Anti-Porn Protest, The Coppice2009-02-05 Bradley Stoke Snow2009-02-05 Bradley Stoke Snow – Your Photos2009-02-06 Bradley Stoke Snow2009-02-07 Bradley Stoke Snow2009-02-16 Jubilee Green Tree Planting2009-02-25 Special Council Meeting on Youth Work2009-03-06 Bradley Stoke Suspected Arson2009-03-08 Bradley Stoke Aquathlon2009-04-09 New Litter Picker WelcomedBradley Stoke Easter 20092009-05-05 TJs Netball Club Charity Bike Ride2009-05-10 TJs Netball Club 10k PartyRobert Jones, Mayor 2008-20092009-05-17 NACC Sponsored Walk2009-05-20 Town Council AGM2009-05-28 Jubilee Green Play Park2009-05-30 Paul Durkin at Ladbrokes2009-06-13 Community Festival2009-06-14 Bradley Stoke 10k Run2009-06-14 Skate Park Competition2009-06-14 Six-a-Side Cricket Tournament2009-07-04 Jubilee Green Play Park2009-07-17 Cricket Presentation2009-07-18 Jubilee Green Play Park2009-07-24 Grand Opening of Jubilee Green Park2009-08-27 BSCS Sixth Form Turf Cutting2009-10-10 Bradley Stoke Big Clean Up2009-10-10 BSCS Building Work2009-10-10 Willow Brook Centre – First Anniversary2009-10-11 Autumn Planting at Jubilee Green2009-10-14 Willow Brook Centre2009-10-17 Diwali Celebrations2009-11-06 Pets at Home Store Opening2009-11-07 Giant Cycle Store Launch Party2009-11-07 Giant Cycles Stunt Show2009-11-08 Bradley Stoke Firework Display2009-11-20 Kumon Link Romania Shoebox Collection2009-12-05 Bruce Grobbelaar at the Baileys Court Inn2009-12-12 Willow Brook Centre2009-12-19 Willow Brook Centre2009-12-24 Willow Brook Centre2010-01-06 Bradley Stoke Snow2010-01-07 Bradley Stoke Snow2010-01-08 Bradley Stoke Snow (readers’ pics)2010-02-06 BSCS Sixth Form2010-02-12 Patchway Community College Politics Debate2010-02-20 Bradley Stoke Surgery Building Work2010-02-26 Ryan Abrahams RIP2010-03-11 International Women’s Day Celebration2010-03-14 Bradley Stoke Aquathlon2010-04-10 Peter Tyzack Charity Walk2010-04-22 Bradley Stoke Election Forum2010-04-24 Balloon Race Launch (Help Toby Walk)2010-05-01 Bradley Stoke Bowls Club Opening Ceremony2010-05-06 FABS Election Count2010-05-09 Jubilee Green2010-05-15 Bradley Stoke Surgery Building Work2010-05-15 BSCS Sixth Form2010-05-19 Town Council AGM2010-05-22 Bradley Stoke Surgery Building Work2010-06-05 Bradley Stoke Community Shield2010-06-11 Twinning Celebration Party2010-06-12 Community Festival2010-06-13 Bradley Stoke 10k Run – Finish Line2010-06-13 Bradley Stoke 10k Run – Photo Story2010-06-13 Skate Park Competition2010-06-14 Jubilee Green Wood Carvings2010-07-16 Official Opening of Little Stoke BMX Track2010-07-17 Official Re-opening of Bradley Stoke Library2010-07-18 Simpson’s Fish & Chip Shop Opening2010-07-20 BSCS Sixth Form2010-08-24 BSCS GCSE Results Day2010-09-03 Jack Lopresti MP Constituency Office Opening2010-09-05 Family Fun Dog Show2010-09-21 Car versus Cyclist Challenge2010-10-02 Severnvale Community Showcase2010-10-09 Happy’s Circus2010-10-16 BSCS Sixth Form2010-10-16 Specsavers – First Anniversary2010-11-06 Battle of the Bands2010-11-06 Diwali Celebrations2010-11-06 Pets at Home First Birthday Celebrations2010-11-07 Fireworks Display2010-11-14 Harvester Restaurant2010-11-20 Broadband Campaign2010-12-02 Young Chef of the Year2010-12-10 Debate on the Big Society2010-12-16 Santander Opening2010-12-18 Bradley Stoke Snow2011-02-15 Bradley Stoke Bowls Club2011-03-05 DAWG Sponsored Dog Walk2011-03-07 Bristol Soroptimists’ Charity Fashion Show2011-03-08 International Women’s Day Celebration2011-03-19 Liberal Democrats’ Manifesto Launch2011-03-19 Merryweather Close Fire2011-03-25 Waves Hand Car Wash Opening2011-03-26 Merryweather Close Fire (Tributes)2011-03-31 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group2011-04-08 Conservatives’ Manifesto Launch2011-04-12 Gloucestershire FA Intermediate Cup Final2011-04-29 Cygnets at the Three Brooks Lake2011-04-29 Royal Wedding Community ‘Street’ Party2011-04-29 Royal Wedding Street Parties2011-05-05 Local Elections Count2011-05-08 Family Fun Dog Show2011-05-17 Thwaites Shire Horses at the Aztec Hotel2011-05-18 Town Council AGM2011-05-21 BBC Domesday Reloaded Event2011-05-25 Bradley Stoke Radio Studio2011-05-28 Hockey World Record Attempt2011-06-04 Bradley Stoke Radio Launch2011-06-11 Community Festival2011-06-12 Bradley Stoke 10k Run – Three Brooks2011-06-12 Bradley Stoke 10k Run – Start2011-06-12 Bradley Stoke 10k Run – Finish2011-06-12 Bradley Stoke 10k Run – Photo Story2011-06-18 Cycling for Humanity2011-07-05 MS Therapy Centre Construction Work2011-07-06 MS Therapy Centre Media Event2011-07-16 Tesco Extra Charity Day2011-09-17 Bradley Stoke Town FC2011-09-17 Official Opening of the BSTFC Clubhouse2011-09-25 Freya’s Pyjama Walk2011-10-15 Bradley Stoke Way Road Safety Petition Launch2011-10-25 MS Therapy Centre Milestone Event2011-11-06 Bradley Stoke Fireworks Display2011-11-12 Children in Need (Greggs)2011-11-17 Christmas Lights Switch-On2011-11-23 Young Chef of the YearBradley Stoke Review of 2011Bradley Stoke Radio FM Launch