Photo of a representative of Great Western Air Ambulance Charity addressing the meeting.

Bowlers to support air ambulance

At the spring meeting of Bradley Stoke Bowls Club, a large crowd of members was treated to a brief account of the excellent work of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC). The charity’s new air base is in Almondsbury, from which they provide pre-hospital critical care services within the community. It was unanimously agreed to adopt this charity for

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Photo of schools minister Nick Gibb MP (centre) on a visit to Patchway Community School.

Trust CEO’s “lack of representation” gibe triggers schools minister visit

Schools minister Nick Gibb MP has paid a flying visit to several South Gloucestershire schools, including Patchway Community School, following criticism from a local academy trust leader that the district’s MPs aren’t doing enough to push for an increase in the level of school funding. The visit came just three weeks after Dave Baker, CEO of the Olympus Academy Trust

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Photo of the Spatial Planning Committee meeting in progress.

McDonald’s and Starbucks drive-through plans refused for second time

Proposals for two new 24-hour drive-through food units and new retail space at Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook Centre have been refused permission by councillors for a second time. South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Spatial Planning Committee, meeting at Brook Way Activity Centre on 19th March, had been tasked with “re-evaluating” the application after councillors on a lower-level committee had ignored the

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