Bradley Stoke Journal.

Bus service to Abbey Wood (MOD) improved

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has announced improvements in the 312 bus service from Thornbury to Fishponds, with effect from Monday 21st April 2008. The service, which passes along Braydon Avenue and the southern section of Brook Way, will be of interest to Bradley Stoke residents travelling to Bristol Parkway Station, Abbey Wood (MOD), U.W.E. Frenchay Campus and Frenchay Hospital. There

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Bowlers’ meeting rejects new rental agreement

An extraordinary general meeting of the Northavon Bowls Club on Friday (11th April 2008) overwhelming rejected the new rental agreement recently proposed by Bradley Stoke Town Council. The agreement, which covers use of the bowling green and pavilion facilities at the Baileys Court Activity Centre, had been tabled on Monday evening at a meeting between Club officials and the Council’s

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Spring has sprung in Bradley Stoke’s woodlands

2008-04-06 Bradley Stoke Wildflowers and Conservation Work Seeking a break from recording progress in the construction of Bradley Stoke’s new town centre, The Journal’s photographer recently ventured into nearby Savages Wood and woodland below Bradley Stoke Community School to capture some more peaceful scenes. Check out the pictures of bluebells and wood anemones on our PicasaWeb pages [album, slideshow]. Volunteers

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