The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Bradley Stoke Journal.

Views of public invited on plans for future development in South Gloucestershire

Residents of South Gloucestershire are being urged to have their say on the future development of the district following proposals from the South West Regional Assembly (SWRA) which could result in the building of nearly 31,000 new homes by 2026. While some of this development will be met from existing major new planned development areas at Northfield (Filton), Emersons Green

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Council fallout with Tesco over “The Brooks Centre” raises concerns over future co-operation

With the “Battle of the Bowls” seemingly locked in stalemate, Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) last week opened up a new line of conflict, with the issuing of a press release related to a planning application for advertising signs at the new town centre. The opponents this time are not a group of elderly residents frustrated at the imposition of

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Bradley Stoke Journal’s “Battle of the Bowls” story sparks national media frenzy

Sunday’s dramatic events at Baileys Court bowling green, reported first here on the Bradley Stoke Journal have sparked a hurge surge of interest from the local, regional and national media. The Journal’s exclusive photos [album, slideshow] of the stand-off between bowlers and police officers have been a key factor in the momentum behind the story. Once things have quietened down,

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Community Festival plans well advanced

Further details of the 2008 Bradley Stoke Community Festival have appeared on the Town Council website. The festival, organised by the Council in co-operation with Southern Brooks Community Development Partnership, takes place over the weekend of 6th-8th June. Saturday 7th June is the main Festival day, when there will be a host of events at the Jubilee Centre in Savages

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Bowls row features on BBC Radio Bristol

The dispute between Bradley Stoke Town Council and Northavon Bowls Club, brought to a head by an invasion of the Baileys Court bowling green on Sunday, is featuring extensively this morning on the “Breakfast with Richard Wyatt” programme on BBC Radio Bristol. Local bowls hero Tony Allcock, Chief Executive of Bowls England was heard just after the 7am news voicing

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Bus service to Abbey Wood (MOD) improved

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has announced improvements in the 312 bus service from Thornbury to Fishponds, with effect from Monday 21st April 2008. The service, which passes along Braydon Avenue and the southern section of Brook Way, will be of interest to Bradley Stoke residents travelling to Bristol Parkway Station, Abbey Wood (MOD), U.W.E. Frenchay Campus and Frenchay Hospital. There

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