The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Bradley Stoke Journal.

Name your town centre and win £50

The public competition to choose a name for Bradley Stoke’s new town centre finally got underway on Friday (16th May), five days later than the date previously announced by Bradley Stoke Town Council (BSTC) and Tesco at a Special Council Meeting on 8th May. Tesco had decided back in March to call the development “The Brooks Centre”, but in a

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Youth action: Save the pond!

Southern Brooks Community Partnership is calling on residents of Bradley Stoke to help clear out the pond at Jubilee Green, Savages Wood Road. Rubbish has been dumped in and around the pond, making it dangerous for people and wildlife. Interested parties are asked to meet at the Jubilee Centre [map] from 6pm on Thursday 22nd May. Gloves and bags will

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Town centre shopping mall takes shape

The framework of Bradley Stoke’s new shopping mall, attached to the Tesco Extra store currently under construction in the town’s new town centre, is nearing completion. The photo above shows the view from the Bradley Stoke Way side of the complex, looking along the axis of the mall, with what will be the Tesco Extra store on the left and

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Tesco in remarkable U-turn over town centre naming while Town Council ploughs on regardless in bowls dispute

A remarkable U-turn by Tesco public affairs consultant Dan Bramwell has seen the supermarket group agree to hold a public consultation over the naming of Bradley Stoke’s new town centre currently under construction at Savages Wood Road. The move comes less than two weeks after Mr Bramwell stated on Radio Bristol that “having a competition now would delay the building

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Town Council objections ineffectual as SouthGlos approves “The Brooks Centre” signage

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has approved a “controversial” planning application for advertising signage in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development. As reported in The Journal’s article on 30th April, Bradley Stoke Town Council’s (BSTC) planning committee unanimously agreed to oppose the application at a meeting on 23rd April, but the committee apparently overlooked the fact that SGC’s consultation period for

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Detailed plans of Tesco Extra store at “The Brooks Centre” made available

Tesco has released detailed drawings showing the internal layout of the new Tesco Extra store currently under construction within Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development. The plans have been on display in the entrance of the existing Tesco store since late last week. The new store, which will have a floorspace nearly two-and-a-half times that of the existing store, is

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