The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Bradley Stoke Journal.

Summer play schemes in focus as school holidays approach

Parents of school-age children in Bradley Stoke looking to keep their offspring occupied during the summer break can choose from options offered by (amongst others) Southern Brooks Community Partnership (SBCP), Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre and Bradley Stoke Library. SBCP, through its Five Alive scheme (previously Four Towns), will be providing four weeks of free activities for children aged 5-11 at

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Detailed town centre signage up for approval

A planning application for an astonishing 856 illuminated and non-illuminated signs in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre has been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council by Tesco Stores Ltd. The schedule lists items ranging from large signage gantries to anti-ram bollards and “no smoking” signs. Notable items are the signs for vehicle set down points (along the northern side of the

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Government inspector overrules Council on Brook Way surgery expansion

The Government’s Planning Inspectorate has allowed an appeal by Bradley Stoke Surgery against South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) rejection of a planning application to expand the Brook Way premises by a massive 150%. The news follows a site visit by the agency’s inspector, Timothy Ball, that took place on 30th June 2008. In a decision announced late last week, Mr Ball

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Meet your Town Councillors

Bradley Stoke residents have a chance to speak with some of their Town Councillors this Saturday (5th July) at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre. The monthly Councillor Surgery takes place between 10am and 12 noon and is usually located in the cafe area of the centre. The photo above shows the April session, attended by Caroline Charlton and Robert Jones (recently

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Bradley Stoke weekend events

The Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group is hosting a birdbox making session on Saturday (5th July) – meet at the Three Brooks lake at 10am. You can take your finished birdbox home (for a donation of £5) or have it put up in the local woods. The Group stages regular conservation days on the first Saturday in each month –

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