Photo of a large group of runners.

Entries open for 2023 Bradley Stoke 10k Run

Entries have now opened for the 2023 renewal of the Bradley Stoke 10k Run, to be held on Sunday 11th June as part of the town’s Community Festival. Organised by local ladies-only running club Sole Sisters, the race starts and finishes at the Jubilee Centre. The race route takes in much of the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve as well as stretches along Brook Way and Bradley Stoke Way.

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Photo of a large yellow and white sign displaying the words 'Look out for Cyclists'.

‘Look out for Cyclists’ signs: Scheme objectives, costs and reactions

Large signs warning motorists to ‘Look out for cyclists’ that have appeared on a number of roundabouts in and around Bradley Stoke have attracted criticism from local residents and councillors concerned at their overbearing size, “distracting” appearance and “cluttering” effect on the street scene. The cost of manufacturing and installing the signs was…

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Photo of offices with council logo superimposed.

South Glos council tax to rise by 4.99% for 2023/24

South Gloucestershire Council’s element of the council tax levied on local households is to increase by 4.99 percent from April 2023. The latest rise follows an uplift of 2.99 percent in 2022/23 and 4.99 percent in 2021/22. This year’s increase once again includes a ring-fenced adult social care levy, this time 2 percent. Bradley Stoke households in a Band D property face an annual increase of £104.79.

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Photo of festival crowd.

Community festival “scaled down” after councillors fail to appoint organiser

The 2023 Bradley Stoke Community Festival looks set to be dramatically scaled down in scope after bumbling councillors failed to secure the services of a professional event organiser. This year’s event is due to take place from Friday 9th June to Sunday 11th June, but its scale and composition are now likely to differ significantly from the traditional format…

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Photo of a teacher with a group of pupils in an outdoor setting.

Ofsted inspectors confirm Wheatfield Primary is a ‘good’ school

Ofsted has confirmed Wheatfield Primary’s standing as a ‘good’ school following a visit by inspectors in November 2022. In his report, the lead inspector concludes that Wheatfield “continues to be a good school” where children are “curious and keen to learn” and “participate fully in school life”. Pupils at the school “feel valued and safe”, he adds.

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