The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.


⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

The following images have been supplied by Tesco and are for illustrative purposes only.

Illustrative image of town square

The image above shows the view looking south from a point in the the car park towards the town square with “town centre” units and offices behind. The large building on the left is the new Tesco store. In the right foreground is the corner of one of the “non-food retail” units.

Illustrated view of town centre

The image above is similar to the first view, but taken in a south-westerly direction. The bus lane that skirts the north-west edge of the town square can be seen. Buses will enter the complex from Bradley Stoke Way and proceed along the north-western edge of the mall units (attached to the new Tesco store) before rounding the town square and exiting towards the Three Brooks roundabout.

Illustrative view from Bradley SToke Way.

The image above show the view across Bradley Stoke Way from a point near the corner of the Leisure Centre swimming pool building. The new Tesco store is on the left with the mall units centre-right. Buses can be seen parked alongside the mall units, having entered the complex from Bradley Stoke Way (slip road obscured by cars in this view).

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