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Planning Applications

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Main town centre development

The main plannining application for the new town centre development has the case number PT05/1949/F (approved 19th Oct 2007).

Case number PT08/0291/ADV (submitted 28th Jan 2008, approved 28th Feb 2008) relates to advertsing signs on the new Tesco filling station.

Case number PT08/0641/RVC (submitted 18th Feb 2008, approved 29th May) is an application to change the number of ground floor units around the town square from five to seven. This will have no impact on the external profile of the buildings – it is an internal reconfiguration. Three (previously two) of the ground floor units are to be used for class A3 (restaurants and cafes) and/or A4 (drinking establishments) purposes.

Case number PT08/0566/F (submitted 11th Feb 2008, approved 16th Apr 2008) is an application for modification of the plans for part of the loading dock of the new Tesco store.

Case number PT08/0781/ADV (submitted 7th Mar 2008, approved 2nd May 2008) is an application for advertising gantries within the new town centre.

Case number PT08/1829/ADV (submitted 20th Jun 2008, approved 4th Aug 2008) relates to the installation of “856 various illuminated and non-illuminated signs” around the complex.

Case number PT08/1890/F (submitted 23rd Jun 2008, approved 8th Aug 2008) relates to the installation of an ATM ‘pod’ next to the kiosk of the new Tesco filling station.

Case number PT08/2111/F (submitted 11th Jul 2008, approved 16th Sep 2008) is an application to change the number of units in the shopping mall from ten to fifteen. This will have no impact on the external profile of the buildings – it is an internal reconfiguration.

Restaurant and hotel development

The part of the site currently used for the construction offices and vehicle storage (alongside Savages Wood Road) is the subject of a separate outline planning application with the case number PT05/1920/O (approved 13th Nov 2006). This application covers the construction of a restaurant and hotel.

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