
May 2019

May 2019 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine.Page 3: Stoke Gifford girl, aged 9, praised for 999 call

Page 4 & 5: Bridge closure diversion details to be revealed at public drop-in sessions

Pages 6 & 7: By the left… Army Cadets’ hat-trick of successes 

Pages 8 & 9: Nature conservation group report for April

Pages 10 & 11: Village Hotel donates 1,000 employee hours to youth work charity

Page 13: Why I volunteer #1: The Beaver Scout leader

Page 14: Local hot air balloon team looking for crew

Page 15: Local food bank use up 9% year-on-year

Page 16 & 17: Royal guest at Concorde 50th anniversary event

Page 18: Life-saving equipment installed at local nursery

Page 19: Lots going on at your local tennis club

Pages 20 & 21: Splatts Abbey Wood: A small pocket of nature

Pages 22 & 23: Bradley Stoke in Bloom update for April

Page 25: Bowsland Green reporters probe the plastic plague

Page 26: TV’s Fred Dinenage opens new retirement complex in Charlton Hayes

Page 27: Win a year’s free gym membership at Anytime Fitness in Bradley Stoke … and worldwide!

Page 28: Final call for Stars of the Stokes nominations

Page 29: Marshals needed for Bradley Stoke 10k

Page 29: Special invitation to meet local Rotary Club members

Page 31: Bank holiday village fête set to draw the crowds

Page 32: First aid training for USA-bound Scouts

Page 33: Deck of new accessible footbridge installed

Page 35: Volunteers needed to support summer reading challenge in local libraries

April 2019

April 2019 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine.Page 3: Cameras used to aid bridge diversion planning

Pages 4 & 5: Full approval granted for first batch of 278 airfield homes

Pages 6 & 7: McDonald’s and Starbucks drive-through plans refused for second time

Page 9: Replacement Sort It centre will be at Filton Viridor site

Pages 10 & 11: Vast £56m retirement complex officially opened in Stoke Gifford

Page 12 & 13: Trust CEO’s “lack of representation” gibe triggers schools minister visit

Page 14: Bowlers to support air ambulance

Page 15: Mixed reaction to Willow Brook Centre’s new speed bumps

Page 16: School kicks off 20th anniversary celebrations

Page 18: £600k scheme to get MetroBus into Parkway

Page 19: Community in shock as organiser of charity Christmas lights passes away

Pages 20 to 21: Stars of the Stokes

Page 23: Library exhibition to show local impact of WW2

Page 24: MetroBus: Has the ‘no lay-bys’ policy backfired?

Page 27: All change for local elections on 2nd May

Page 28: Mum launches petition for safer road crossing

Page 29: New play equipment coming to Jubilee park

Page 31: Spring singing with Stokes Singers

Page 33: Lots happening at 1st Bradley Stoke Scouts

Page 35: Council noticeboard is ten years late

Page 35: Trench Lane Boot Sale starts 7th April

Page 36: Two Stoke Gifford artists to exhibit on popular arts trail

March 2019

March 2019 issue of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine.Page 3: Tories pledge to replace Little Stoke Sort It centre

Page 4: Councillors and residents await revised plans for 763 homes at Harry Stoke

Pages 4 & 5: Housing minister makes flying visit to the Stokes

Pages 6 & 7: SGC committee refuses permission for McDonald’s & Starbucks drive-throughs

Page 9: Local schoolgirl speaks at United Nations (NY)

 Pages 10 & 11: Gipsy Patch Lane road closures to start months earlier than originally planned

Page 12: Disappointment at Stoke Lodge Ofsted verdict

Page 14: Bradley Stoke 10k Run sells out within 48hrs

Page 15: Platform ‘party’ celebrates railway upgrade

Pages 16 & 17: Have your say on roundabout improvement proposals

Page 18: ‘In Bloom’ volunteers give town a spring clean

Pages 19 to 22: Stars of the Stokes

Page 23: Council looks at bringing bin collections back in-house 

Page 24 & 25: Art group gives ‘God of the Three Brooks’ a face

Pages 26 & 27: Two local groups win Aviva community grants

Page 29: Primary pupils share research on local area

Page 31: Liberal Democrats select prospective candidate for Filton and Bradley Stoke

Page 32: Bradley Stoke nurse set to embark on 24-hour charity run

Page 33: Harry Potter event raises £200 for charity

Page 35: South Glos council tax to rise by 2.99 percent

Errata: Public consultation result mentioned in  paragraph 7 relates to the 2019/20 council tax, not 2018/19. Previous police precept increase of 6.6 percent was in 2018/19, not 2017/18

Earlier/later issues: Follow page links below