The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.


⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Graffiti on Property owned by the Council

South Gloucestershire Council

South Gloucestershire Council has a policy of removing graffiti from council-owned property within three working days. Priority is given to offensive and hate-related graffiti.

Obviously, the council can only do this when it knows about an incident of graffiti, so here are the ways in which you can tell them:

  • Via the Graffiti page on the Council’s website and click on ‘Report Graffiti’
  • Email Streetcare: (replace ‘-AT-‘ with ‘@’)

Whichever method you use, you will need to give a precise description of the location of the graffiti.

Bradley Stoke Town Council

Bradley Stoke Town Council is responsible for some (green) bus shelters and some (black and gold) litter bins in Bradley Stoke.

Contact details:

  • Tel: 01454 205020
  • Email: (replace ‘-AT-‘ with ‘@’)
  • Contact form

“Graffiti is not something the Town Council is willing to accept in our town. BSTC is unfortunately not able to action removing graffiti from street furniture, walls etc. that do not belong to the town council, however we will be responsible for reporting it to the correct agencies e.g. South Gloucestershire Council, Western Power, Royal Mail, BT. Once the graffiti is reported we will endeavour to follow up the reports until graffiti is removed.”

Graffiti on Private Property

South Gloucestershire Council will also remove graffiti from private property, subject to obtaining consent of the owner. There is a charge for this service – currently believed to be £15.

Contact details as above.

STOP PRESS: Monday 6th October 2008 – Sunday 19th October 2008: FREE removal of graffiti from private property in Bradley Stoke (subject to indemnity agreement).

Graffiti on Property Owned by Private Companies

Western Power Distribution

Western Power Distribution, responsible for electricity sub-stations and junction boxes in Bradley Stoke, will remove graffiti on request from members of the public.

Contact details:

  • Tel: 0845 601 2989
  • Email:


BT, responsible for telephone boxes/kiosks and green junction boxes in Bradley Stoke, will remove graffiti on request from members of the public.

Contact details:

  • Telephone boxes/kiosks:
    • Tel: 0800 66 16 10
  • Green junction boxes:
    • Tel: 0800 67 98 45

Royal Mail

Royal Mail, responsible for post boxes within Bradley Stoke, will remove graffiti on request from members of the public.

Contact details:


This independent website offers a simple way of reporting and documenting graffiti and many other forms of community issues.

Reports are automatically sent to South Gloucestershire Council.

Smartphone apps are available, making it easy to log incidents ‘on the spot’.

All reports are public and can be viewed on a map.

Link: FixMyStreet

Please contact us if you spot any errors or omissions in the above information.

Graffiti stories in the Journal

27th March 2018
Graffiti spree continues, despite the recent arrest…

22nd March 2018
Suspect arrested over graffiti in the Stokes

28th October 2017
Jubilee Centre is latest target in graffiti spate

19th September 2017
Bradley Stoke is suffering a blight of large scale graffiti/tagging at present…


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