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2022 Bradley Stoke South By-election (Town)

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Photo of a teller outside the Brook Way Activity Centre in Bradley Stoke.

By-election resulting from the passing of Michael Hill (Conservative), elected to serve the Bradley Stoke South parish ward in May 2019.

Note: The vacancy is for ONE of the seven seats representing this ward.

Date of poll: Thursday 3rd March 2022

Quick link: Result of the poll

Related links:

The Notice of Election was published on Thursday 27th January 2022 (see below) and two valid candidate nominations were received by the deadline on Friday 4th February 2022.

The deadline for voter registration is Tuesday 15th February 2022. If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote, please contact the SGC helpline on 01454 863030.

Register to vote (GOV.UK)


Where to vote

Polling stations will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 3rd March 2022. The locations are:

  • Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church, Baileys Court Road
  • St Joseph’s Centre (adj to St Mary’s RC School), Juniper Way, off Webbs Wood Road
  • Church of Christ the King, Mautravers Close
  • Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road

Your allocated polling station is shown on your poll card, which you will receive by post.

However, you don’t need your poll card to vote. If you are registered to vote, but you don’t have your poll card, you can go to the polling station and give them your name and address.

Find your polling station (Where Do I Vote)



The candidates

Kelly Cole (Conservative)

Photo of Kelly Cole.
Kelly Cole (Conservative).

My name is Kelly Cole and I am a local mother-of-one of a 12-year-old son who has SEND. I have been working within the NHS for the past 20 years and my current role of Senior Medical Secretary at the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Working within the NHS provides me with joy and passion as I am being supportive to clinicians, other professionals, parents as well as being that link to make sure their child’s care is smooth and consistent. I am passionate in everything that I do and achieve. I am a great listener, and I will strive to support you as a community.

I am delighted that the work will be starting soon on the Baileys Court play area which will greatly improve and upgrade our community. I am very much looking forward to seeing the new play area being enjoyed by all of our local children and their families.

If I am fortunate to be elected to the council, I will continue to champion ‘value for money’ on behalf of our residents and I will endeavour to be a strong voice for all of the residents across Bradley Stoke South, whether it’s issues relating to education, health and social care or the health and well-being of our children and young people due to the impact of Covid-19. I am here for you, to support you and listen to you and I know I can be your voice and stand by your side.

Dayley Lawrence (Labour)

Photo of Dayley Lawrence,
Dayley Lawrence (Labour).

Hi, I’m Dayley Lawrence, a resident of Bradley Stoke for 6 years. I love the community feel of Bradley Stoke and enjoy my job as a local postman.

I am a proud to represent all voices of the community including the often underrepresented voices of the LGBTQ+ community, the BAME community and people living with disabilities.

Charity work is important to me, I am a trustee and treasurer for a small local charity.

I have been involved in local politics since I was a teenager and have stood in Bradley Stoke elections four times in the past, as I really want to be able to listen to local residents’ needs and represent you on your council.

Each time I have been beaten by the Conservative candidate, but I’m hoping 2022 is finally the year this changes.

As your councillor I will hold regular surgeries to listen to the residents of Bradley Stoke and any issues they may have and help to resolve them.

I will help to create and develop local community groups to help develop the rich sense of community Bradley Stoke is known for.

Even though this is an unpaid role, I want to help make sure the council is a true representation of our vibrant community. Vote Labour on Thursday 3rd March.

Please get in contact if I can answer any questions you may have, email me at

The result

Dayley Lawrence (2nd from right), the victorious Labour candidate, with supporters, following announcement of the result.
  • Kelly Cole (Conservative) 530
  • Dayley Lawrence (Labour) 540 ELECTED

Turnout: 15.3% (1,077 ballot papers issued)

Verification control statement (showing votes cast at each polling station)


Campaign literature

Candidates and parties online

By-election news


News from the candidates and parties

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