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2021 Bradley Stoke North By-election (Town)

⚠️ This information page is no longer maintained. Consequently, it may contain information that is no longer correct.

Photo of a teller outside the Brook Way Activity Centre in Bradley Stoke.

By-election resulting from the resignation of Elaine Hardwick, elected as an Independent to serve the Bradley Stoke North parish ward in May 2019 but later forming and joining a new political party, The Citizens Movement Party UK.

Note: The vacancy is for ONE of the six seats representing this ward.

Date of poll: Thursday 6th May 2021

Related links:

The Notice of Election was published on Monday 22nd March 2021 (see below) and nominations will be accepted until the deadline on Thursday 8th April 2021.

The deadline for voter registration is Monday 19th April 2021. If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote, please contact the SGC helpline on 01454 863030.

Register to vote (GOV.UK)

Where to vote

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm.

Your allocated polling station is shown on your poll card, which you should have received by post.

However, you don’t need your poll card to vote. If you are registered to vote, but you don’t have your poll card, you can go to the polling station and give them your name and address.

Find your polling station (Where Do I Vote)


The Journal – Bradley Stoke's most popular news publication.

The candidates

Angela Morey (Independent)

Photo of Angela Morey.

Read Angela Morey’s 200-word candidate profile…

Eugenia Ntekor (Conservative)

Photo of Eugenia Ntekor.

Read Eugenia Ntekor’s 200-word candidate profile…

Anthony Oliver (Labour)

Photo of Anthony Oliver.

Read Anthony Oliver’s 200-word candidate profile…

Bradley Stoke latest news.

The result

  • Angela Morey (Independent) 826 votes ELECTED
  • Eugenia Ntekor (Conservative) 785 votes
  • Anthony Oliver (Labour) 513 votes

Turnout: 32.4 percent (2,135 ballot papers issued)

By-election news

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