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Candidate Profiles

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Bradley Stoke North ward (2 seats)

David Addison (Labour)

[Profile extracted from election leaflet]

I moved to the area in 2004 having worked in the area since 1999. I’ve been involved with the local community ever since and have become familiar with all the areas of Bradley Stoke. Using the local roads means that I’m very aware of the limitations of the road network and the local public transport routes. If elected, I intend to work to deliver improvements to both the roads and buses to benefit the residents of Bradley Stoke.

Daniel Elliott (Independent)

– No profile available –

Fabrizio Fazzino (Labour)

I moved from Italy to Bradley Stoke in 2010, living in Ormonds Close first and then in Ellicks Close. As an electronics engineer, I worked for a few years on the Aztec West Business Park, experiencing all the traffic caused at rush hour by the continuous roadworks; then I moved to a new job in the city centre and after driving into town for a couple of years I eventually switched to using public transport to try and see for myself if the Metrobus scheme really works as promised.

I joined the Labour Party several years ago and then more recently the Co-operative Party, which unfortunately is not very well known to most (in short: it encourages people to co-operate and to work in co-operatives, which are businesses owned and run by their customers and staff).

I share my young daughter’s subscription to the Fabian Society, although I’m not bright enough to understand all the philosophical discussions. She attends BSCS (the Bradley Stoke Community School), while my younger son attends Bowsland Green Primary School. Despite their age they have both been helping me deliver hundreds of leaflets since 2015.

I feel very strongly and campaign for better funding for the NHS and education.

Ian Joseph (Liberal Democrat)

Ian was born and grew up in Frome Somerset but moved to Yate in 1979 and has lived there ever since.

Now 65, Ian retired three years ago from an engineer / project manager career. He has 3 children; a son living in Yate, a daughter in Frenchay and another daughter in Keynsham. So far he has 4 grandchildren!

Ian is a member of Rotary Club of Chipping Sodbury and currently Fundraising Chairman. He also volunteers with Freewheelers EVS, the blood bike charity providing out of hours courier services for the NHS.

Franklin Owusu-Antwi (Conservative)

– No profile available –

Sarah Pomfret (Conservative)

A few of the many projects of which I helped make happen:

  • First teen plus youth club for Bradley Stoke. Increasing street care.
  • Instrumental in the design and funding for the Jubilee Green adventure park.
  • Removing rat run through Shellmor Avenue and adjoining roads.
  • Formed a new Parish in this area so reducing the local tax being paid by 50%.
  • Creating with young people an exceptional Skate Park in Bradley Stoke, personally identifying land and working with my District Cllr Partner to acquire funding.
  • Campaigning to reduce speed limits to many of our cul-de-sacs and provision of many new zebra crossings. 

In the last 12 years as a councillor, I have served on many committees in both your Town and South Glos District i.e.  Development Control, Adults and Housing, South Glos Environment Trust, International and European Forum, Health Committee, Public Rights of Way, Local Area Forums and the Fire Authority. I have also subbed for other members on a wide range of committees including Policy and Resources where I have introduced an emergency housing plan.

I have had a lot to give, I have achieved a lot and feel ready to do a lot more.

Andy Ward (Independent)

– No profile available –

Jon Williams (Liberal Democrat)

My family and I moved to Bradley Stoke in 1987, when most of the town was just fields. I got involved in the Community Association and later was elected to both the Town and South Gloucestershire councils. I served for 16 years on South Gloucestershire Council and in recognition of my 4 terms of office I was awarded Honorary Alderman status.

I was the lead campaigner to get our own secondary school and swimming pool. I was also involved in supporting Bradley Stoke Radio, The Southern Brooks Community Partnership and have been a school governor at 4 schools within the town. In addition I have been involved in the planning of our town centre, the provision of The Jubilee Centre and the play areas around the town.

I am a governor at Holy Trinity Primary School and I volunteer with the Police to visit people in custody, I have joined the Bowls Club and play squash and badminton.

If I am elected at the forthcoming elections I will use my time to ensure that Bradley Stoke gets its fair share of resources from the council and that we get the services we need and deserve.

Bradley Stoke South ward (2 seats)

John Ashe (Conservative)

I am proud to be the longest serving Bradley Stoke Town Councillor. I moved here from Stoke Gifford in 1992 with my wife Dawn and 6 month old twin sons. There is no where else I would rather call home and I am determined to ensure our town remains one of the best places to live. I am involved in two campaigns at the moment.

The first is challenging the proposed Woodlands Golf Course development of 2000 houses with the developer providing no extra roads. This is not part of South Glos Council’s future plans and will bring traffic chaos to our town.

 The second I have just started is against the vicious speed bumps installed on the approach road by the Willow Brook Centre where more gentle ones would be more than adequate to protect the pedestrians on the crossing.

Roger Avenin (Conservative)

I have lived in Bradley Stoke for over 28 years and have been privileged to serve both as a SG District Councillor (4 years) and as a Town Councillor (12 years).

As a District Councillor I was Chair of the Audit & Accounts Committee and am also an active member of the Development Management Committee (Planning). For the Town Council I was Chair of the Finance Committee for 3 years in a row and became Mayor for 2015/6.

Currently we are campaigning against the development of Woodlands Golf course and the severe roads humps recently installed at the Willow Brook but have been involved in a whole range of issues affecting Bradley Stoke and the wider area. Conservatives have recently introduced the Metro Bus service, have secured additional funding for Schools, and obtained further funds for road re-surfacing.

If I could make a plea it would be to ignore the current turmoil at the national level and focus on LOCAL issues. We believe we have performed well overall and have been true to the Conservative ideals of obtaining maximum value for money and the concept of financial prudence.

If you agree please come out and support us on May 2nd.

Omar Beg (Liberal Democrat)

– No profile available –

Elaine Hardwick (Independent)

I have lived in Bradley Stoke since 1995. Married with three Children 7 Grandchildren.

I was elected in 2011 and 2015 to Bradley Stoke Town Council.

In 2016 as Chair of Council, I re-visited the consultation on Brook Way Tennis Courts. The majority wanted extra parking. I got this passed.

Held a series of meetings with residents to form a group called Bradley Stoke in Bloom.

I helped to keep Bradley Stoke Town Council Tax to “0” by voting against any rises.

Been involved with bringing on board a Youth Co-Ordinator, being on the committee for the Skate Park and other Youth projects.

Giving grants to local Community Groups

I have been involved in many more projects here are some. Fireworks, Bradley Stoke Festival, Carnival.

I am standing as an Independent to bring the politics out of the Town Council.  Putting the Town residents first and foremost

I would like to see more younger people on Council, so we have more diversity, their voice is just as important.

Giving more for the elderly in the Town.

Extending the Community School so pupils from Bradley Stoke are given priority

More zebra crossings around Bradley Stoke especially near schools.

Sue Hope (Liberal Democrat)

– No profile available –

Kulwinder Singh Sappal (Labour)

[Profile extracted from election leaflet]

I have lived in Bradley Stoke for almost 20 years and am proud to be involved and active in the local community. I am passionate about achieving social justice for all, making a real and lasting difference in the community and ensuring that local residents can influence decisions that affect them.

Ravi Kumar Vinjamuri (Labour)

[Profile extracted from election leaflet]

I am passionate about working hard for our community. I have long worked for positive change I want to bring fresh ideas and positive solutions to – the council. I’m eager to listen to each and every individual resident about their concerns. I believe there are workable solutions available that will enhance our community and be an example of a positive change.

Bex Ward (Independent)

– No profile available –

Marion Ward (Independent)

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Stoke Gifford ward (3 seats)

Brian Allinson (Conservative)

– No profile available –

Ernest Brown (Conservative)

I have served twenty-two years in the Royal Navy, followed by twenty years at Airbus. I have lived in Stoke Gifford for thirty-five years and have been Chairman of the Parish Council for the last seven years. My one aim is to make sure residents are heard at District level and given good value for money. If elected I will continue to ensure our voice is heard and carry on making improvements to our green and open spaces, preserve and protect them, as well as maintaining them for use by all.  

In my capacity of Chair of the Parish Council, I have overseen good fiscal management and ensured the Parish Council Precept has been kept to less than the benchmark of 2% and in the past often at zero, yet still improving and keeping the area to a high and well-maintained standard.

Parking remains a major concern throughout the Parish and has become a daily nuisance. With the forthcoming road closure on Gipsy Patch Lane a more pragmatic approach to parking is now vital.  I will continue to meet with South Gloucestershire & Parkway representatives to ensure the matter is given priority and resolved.

Keith Cranney (Conservative)

– No profile available –

John Ford (Liberal Democrat)

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Bob Griffin (Liberal Democrat)

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Fred Hillberg (UKIP Make Brexit Happen)

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Jenny James (Labour)

Jenny is a local resident, who you might recognise from your trips to a local charity shop where she is a volunteer. Jenny is also involved in other local groups including as co-ordinator of 2 local Neighbourhood Watch schemes, founder of the popular Friends of Meade Park group and of the newly established Friends of Stoke Gifford Play Parks group. Jenny is always looking for ways to make a difference in the community and is a regular volunteer for environmental groups such as Bradley Stoke in Bloom and Friends of Forty Acres as well as being a church warden and helper at the MS Centre in Bradley Stoke.

Brian Mead (Labour)

Brian is an experienced councillor, currently serving on Filton Town Council. He is Chair of the Co-operative Party and co-operative ideals have been key in shaping his political opinions. He has experience of working in public transport and in the security industry locally. He is an active fundraiser for local and national charities including the Ronald McDonald House, Great Western Air Ambulance, the Grand Appeal, Help for Heroes and the Jessie May Children’s Hospice.  He is strongly opposed to cuts in local services caused by the Tory Government’s cuts to Local Government funding and says that this has inspired him to seek election as a South Gloucestershire Councillor.

Tom Mewies (Labour)

Tom is a civil servant living and working locally. He is a trade union representative for the Public & Commercial Services union, regularly volunteers at a charity bookshop and is active in the running of his Church. Tom strongly believes in properly funded public services, particularly at the local level, and is frustrated by years of austerity caused by deep cuts to the grants given to our local area. Tom is active in the co-operative movement and strongly believes in co-operative and community led solutions to the problems our area faces. He wants to see more support for community run facilities in South Gloucestershire.

Pam Shipp (Liberal Democrat)

– No profile available –

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