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2013 Primrose Bridge By-election

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By-election resulting from the resignation of Keir Gravil (Conservative), elected to serve the Primrose Bridge parish ward in May 2011.

Date of election: Thursday 2nd May 2013

Official result:

  • Andy Ward (Conservative) 387
  • Caroline Sullivan (UKIP) 269
  • Sarah Drake (Liberal Democrat) 160

Turnout: 24.3%


The Candidates

Sarah Drake (Liberal Democrat)

Sarah Drake’s statement to The Journal:

Sarah Drake, Liberal Democrat candidate.I work for Bristol City Council in the social work team and have lived in Bradley Stoke for three-and-a-half years. I know it’s a fantastic place to be, but I want to make a difference and make it even better.

I can offer a fresh perspective to the town council and want to see sensible debate regarding the issues that matter to our residents rather the squabbling that always seems to present between the two groups on the council.

I am keen to see sufficient funding is made available for services for our children and young people who have been ignored by this council for too long. I am passionate about education and I am happiest when carrying out my role as a Governor at Bowsland Green Primary School.

I also want to ensure that the people of Bradley Stoke are given a voice and that the priorities of the Council reflect those of its residents and not personal agendas.

Caroline Sullivan (UKIP)

Caroline Sullivan’s statement to The Journal:

Caroline Sullivan, UKIP candidate.I am a full time mother of two young children and I have lived in Bradley Stoke for over 20 years.

Having retired from nearly 20 years as a prison Officer I now have the time to be involved in the community issues that affect us all and feel a strong community spirit is essential in starting to restore public confidence.

I volunteer as an assistant Cub Scout leader with 1st Bradley stoke Cubs and am currently campaigning for a more inclusive admissions criteria with Bradley Stoke Community School to allow more children in our community admission there instead of having to travel out of area.

I’m standing as a candidate for Bradley Stoke Town Council because I want to make a difference.

I believe in cutting taxes and business rates to stimulate the local economy.

I believe in cutting council executives and managers, not front line services.

I want to see less crime and anti social behaviour in our community, and I would like to improve our local services with good management and sensible planning based on the aim of working for local people rather than play political games.

Andy Ward (Conservative)

Statement from Andy Ward’s election leaflet:

Andy Ward, Conservative candidate.

Andy has been a South Glos resident most of his life and has been a resident of Bradley stoke since 1991 (22 years) after moving here as a newly-wed. He has a daughter who is currently attending sixth form at Bradley Stoke Community School.

Andy has worked within the local aerospace industry, having been an apprentice at Rolls Royce and he has

a background in the communications industry. These are industries which remain important to our local economy.

As a founder member of Bradley Stoke Radio (which is the local volunteer run community radio station within our area), Andy is heavily involved in many community projects in and around our local community, working alongside some of our committed volunteer groups and local schools.

Andy said: “It’s been a privilege to watch our town grow from a cluster of disconnected houses in the early days, with little or no facilities, to the vibrant and exciting place to live that it is today; I am so proud to call this town my home.

You may well have seen me out and about at some of the local community events such as the Bradley Stoke Festival, usually with a microphone in hand. In fact, it’s more likely you will have heard me before you saw me!

I passionately care about our town and the people who live and work within our area and I can think of no better way to return the debt that I feel I owe to our town for making me and my family so welcome all these years, than by serving as a town councillor.

If elected, I plan to work on behalf of all our local residents to continue to make Bradley Stoke an even better place to live than it is already.”

By-election News

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