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Jon Williams (Liberal Democrat)

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Statement to The Journal, Saturday 6th September 2008

Jon Williams

Jon Williams was a member of the Town Council from the beginning in 1992 until he stood down in 2007. Now, after seeing how the new Conservative administration have dealt with issues such as funding for young people, the bowls club fiasco and failing to comment on important planning issues such as the proposed changes to the Aztec roundabout, Jon has decided to stand again. Jon wants to sort these and others matters out. Jon said “When I left the council in 2007 I felt that I had achieved what I had set out to do. Unfortunately, the Conservatives are now messing it all up. When the Liberal Democrats were in charge we ran the town for the residents, now residents can’t even afford to rent the community buildings provided for them because the rents are too high. On many occasions the building are empty and losing valuable revenue. The council must provide facilities that local people can afford to use.”

Jon’s Pledge

If I am elected as your town councillor I will:

  • help resolve the bowls club fiasco
  • promote more youth work in the town
  • demand that there is a review of the cost of hiring our community buildings
  • campaign for proper consultation on the planned redevelopment at the Jubilee Green
  • campaign for more opportunities for residents to engage with the town council

Too many members of the town council don’t live in the town and sit on other councils. There must be a conflict of issues when issues affecting the whole area are raised. Who’s interests do they put 1st?

The Liberal Democrats are committed to keeping the town council local.

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