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Photo of a green bus.

First Bus service 73 set to return to axed stops on Woodlands Lane (but off-peak only)

Bradley Stoke’s 73 bus service, which has had its route truncated twice over the last 18 months, is to have a small part of its former route reinstated from September 2023, subject to regulatory approval. Operator First West of England is proposing to slightly extend the 73’s route so that it once again serves the full length of Woodlands Lane – but only at off-peak times.

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Photo of a large yellow and white sign displaying the words 'Look out for Cyclists'.

‘Look out for Cyclists’ signs: Scheme objectives, costs and reactions

Large signs warning motorists to ‘Look out for cyclists’ that have appeared on a number of roundabouts in and around Bradley Stoke have attracted criticism from local residents and councillors concerned at their overbearing size, “distracting” appearance and “cluttering” effect on the street scene. The cost of manufacturing and installing the signs was…

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Photo of a green bus.

First Bus service 73 to terminate in north Bradley Stoke from 22nd January

The no. 73 bus service will no longer run between Cribbs Causeway and Bradley Stoke from Sunday 22nd January, with buses instead starting and ending their journeys at the Eagles Wood stop in north Bradley Stoke. The change has been justified on the grounds that the existing M1 MetroBus and the new M4 MetroBus (will) provide good connections between Cribbs Causeway and the Stokes.

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