Footway closure on the north side of Bradley Stoke Way.

MetroBus contractor publishes phasing plans

MetroBus construction firm Alun Griffiths (Contractors) Ltd has published detailed phasing plans for the work it is carrying out on Bradley Stoke Way between Aztec West and Patchway Brook Roundabout. The plans, which show work on this stretch of the road continuing until December 2016, appeared without announcement on the firm’s community website just days after local MP Jack Lopresti called

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north-east side of Bradley Stoke Way, near Patchway Brook Roundabout, in preparation for road widening associated with the MetroBus project.

MetroBus construction set to begin on new section of Bradley Stoke Way

MetroBus construction work looks set to be extended onto a further section of Bradley Stoke Way within the next few days, after local businesses were informed that new ‘traffic management’ measures are about to be put in place. The Journal understands that work is about to start on widening the section of Bradley Stoke Way between Patchway Brook Roundabout (near Aldi) and Savages

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MetroBus major roadworks sign on Bradley Stoke Way.

MP calls public meeting to discuss issues surrounding MetroBus works

Local MP Jack Lopresti has announced that he is to host and chair a public meeting to discuss the controversial MetroBus scheme works. Representatives from South Gloucestershire Council, MetroBus, the project contractors, First Bus and councillors have been invited. The public meeting will be held on Friday 26th February 2016, at 7pm in the main hall of Bradley Stoke Community

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MetroBus major roadworks sign on Bradley Stoke Way.

MetroBus construction team to answer public’s questions at drop-in sessions

MetroBus contractor firm Alun Griffiths has organised two public drop-in information sessions in Bradley Stoke on Thursday (14th January), to provide information about current and future MetroBus construction work in the town. The sessions will enable members of the public to discuss issues face-to-face with the construction team, council officers and MetroBus representatives, and enable them to explain any concerns in detail.

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Sign advertising consultation on a road widening scheme at the Aztec West Roundabout.

SGC confirms plan to start new roadworks at Aztec West, in parallel with MetroBus build

Motorists in the Bradley Stoke area will have to contend with TWO concurrent sets of major roadworks during 2016 after South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) confirmed its intention to proceed with a 12-month scheme of improvements on and around the Aztec West Roundabout. Commencing in “spring/summer”, SGC says work will be carried out “in coordination” with the MetroBus construction work on

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