Photo of a representative of Great Western Air Ambulance Charity addressing the meeting.

Bowlers to support air ambulance

At the spring meeting of Bradley Stoke Bowls Club, a large crowd of members was treated to a brief account of the excellent work of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC). The charity’s new air base is in Almondsbury, from which they provide pre-hospital critical care services within the community. It was unanimously agreed to adopt this charity for

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Bowsland Green 'Swim the Channel' team. L-r Finley Palmer, Archie Matthews and Joe Moody.

Boys swim the Channel for Team Bowsland

Three 10-year-old boys from Bradley Stoke have begun an ambitious aquatic challenge to raise much needed funds for their school. Finley Palmer, Archie Matthews and Joe Moody, all pupils at Bowsland Green Primary, are collectively hoping to swim the width of the English Channel (22 miles) over an estimated 12 weeks and are collecting sponsorship through an online ‘secure giving’

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