The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Bradley Stoke Journal.

Second round of public consultation opens on Aztec West Roundabout bus lane scheme

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has quietly opened a second round of public consultation on the proposed bus priority scheme for the Aztec West roundabout. Richard Lewis of consulting group Mouchel (working in partnership with SGC) told The Journal that the new consultation concerns the same scheme as before, “but revised following the public consultation”. Respondents to the original consultation have

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

First concrete poured for new town square

The first concrete has been poured for the shop, restaurant and office units that will surround the town square feature in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development. Concrete foundations (with steel studs projecting) can be seen in a recent shot (above) taken by The Journal’s photographer. The western end of the shopping mall (directly behind the yellow crane in the

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

End of the road for Baileys Court bowlers?

Wednesday’s Annual General Meeting of Bradley Stoke Town Council brought confirmation that no agreement has been achieved between the Town Council and Northavon Bowls Club in the dispute over increased rental charges at the town’s Baileys Court bowling green. Councillor Mark Forsyth reported that no correspondence had been received from the Bowls Club before the Council-imposed deadline of midnight on

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Youth action: Save the pond!

Southern Brooks Community Partnership is calling on residents of Bradley Stoke to help clear out the pond at Jubilee Green, Savages Wood Road. Rubbish has been dumped in and around the pond, making it dangerous for people and wildlife. Interested parties are asked to meet at the Jubilee Centre [map] from 6pm on Thursday 22nd May. Gloves and bags will

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Town centre shopping mall takes shape

The framework of Bradley Stoke’s new shopping mall, attached to the Tesco Extra store currently under construction in the town’s new town centre, is nearing completion. The photo above shows the view from the Bradley Stoke Way side of the complex, looking along the axis of the mall, with what will be the Tesco Extra store on the left and

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Town Council objections ineffectual as SouthGlos approves “The Brooks Centre” signage

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has approved a “controversial” planning application for advertising signage in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre development. As reported in The Journal’s article on 30th April, Bradley Stoke Town Council’s (BSTC) planning committee unanimously agreed to oppose the application at a meeting on 23rd April, but the committee apparently overlooked the fact that SGC’s consultation period for

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Views of public invited on plans for future development in South Gloucestershire

Residents of South Gloucestershire are being urged to have their say on the future development of the district following proposals from the South West Regional Assembly (SWRA) which could result in the building of nearly 31,000 new homes by 2026. While some of this development will be met from existing major new planned development areas at Northfield (Filton), Emersons Green

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