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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Free removal of graffiti from private property in Bradley Stoke – for the next fortnight

South Gloucestershire Council is offering to remove graffiti free of charge from private property in Bradley Stoke. The initiative, which starts today (Monday 6th), was announced at last week’s meeting of the Bradley Stoke Safer & Stronger Community Group. The Council normally charges £15 to remove graffiti from private property, but the fee is being waived for the next fortnight.

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

South Gloucestershire Council achieves four star award from Audit Commission

South Gloucestershire Council has been rated a four star local authority by the Audit Commission. The maximum possible overall score of four stars means the Commission believes the Council is “performing well above minimum requirements”. The Council secured maximum scores in two of the five individually rated “themes” – “ambition” and “capacity”. This means the Council has been judged as excellent in

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Detailed town centre signage up for approval

A planning application for an astonishing 856 illuminated and non-illuminated signs in Bradley Stoke’s new town centre has been submitted to South Gloucestershire Council by Tesco Stores Ltd. The schedule lists items ranging from large signage gantries to anti-ram bollards and “no smoking” signs. Notable items are the signs for vehicle set down points (along the northern side of the

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Government inspector overrules Council on Brook Way surgery expansion

The Government’s Planning Inspectorate has allowed an appeal by Bradley Stoke Surgery against South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) rejection of a planning application to expand the Brook Way premises by a massive 150%. The news follows a site visit by the agency’s inspector, Timothy Ball, that took place on 30th June 2008. In a decision announced late last week, Mr Ball

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Decision day for surgery expansion plans

Today’s meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Control (West) Committee is likely to decide the fate of a planning application that would see the floorspace of Bradley Stoke Surgery increase by 131%. Planning officials have already recommended refusal of the application on the grounds that – The proposed extension, by reason of its size, design and external appearance, would be

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

Revised surgery expansion plans fail to impress Council officials

The Sites Inspection West Sub Committee of South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) visits Bradley Stoke Surgery in Brook Way today (Friday 13th), to assess a planning application for an extension that would see its floorspace increase by 131%. An earlier planning application by the surgery, which would have seen the floorspace increase by a whopping 150%, was rejected by SGC planning

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