Bradley Stoke community projects could benefit by almost a quarter of a million pounds if decisions go their way at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Southern Brooks Area Forum in Stoke Gifford on Tuesday night (25th February). The largest application, for funding from the forum’s New Homes Bonus allocation, is for £225,000 towards the cost of creating a “new, bespoke
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Grant sought for revised Willow Brook Centre war memorial plan
The group behind a plan to create a war memorial out of the two granite posts in the Town Square at the Willow Brook Centre has applied for a £3k grant towards an alternative “standalone stone memorial of contemporary design”. The move comes five months after the original plans, which involved mounting black plaques onto the existing granite posts, were
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Council to charge £36 for green bin collection from next April
Bradley Stoke residents will have to start paying an annual fee of £36 from next April if they want the council to continue emptying their green bins. South Gloucestershire Council’s Communities Committee, meeting on 10th September, voted to introduce the charge, which had been put forward as an option in the council’s draft waste management strategy for the period 2013-19.
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Area Forum to consider Bradley Stoke transport and community projects
A large number of Bradley Stoke transport and community projects stand to benefit from decisions due to be made at a meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Southern Brooks Area Forum this week. The forum has £100k to allocate to local transport capital schemes and four of the twelve schemes to be considered for implementation are in Bradley Stoke. In
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Area Forum to discuss grants for two Bradley Stoke community groups
A meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum in Patchway this evening (Tuesday 4th September) will discuss grant applications from two Bradley Stoke organisations. Area Forums, organised by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC), give local people the opportunity to talk about issues and concerns that affect their neighbourhoods. They champion local needs and aspirations and gather the views of residents about
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Five local groups in line up for Area Forum grants
Five Bradley Stoke organisations will be hoping to win a share of a £36,036 grant fund at this Tuesday’s meeting of the Southern Brooks Area Forum in Winterbourne. A total of 42 applications totalling £59,611 have been received from organisations in the Bradley Stoke, Filton, Patchway, Stoke Gifford, Winterbourne, Frenchay and Stoke Park areas covered by the Forum. Sticky Fingers
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Area Forum to consider local transport schemes
A public meeting in Bradley Stoke on Tuesday night (29th November) will see Councillors decide how to spend the area’s allocation of £50k for local transport schemes. The meeting of South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Southern Brooks Area Forum, at the Jubilee Centre (7pm start) will consider a total of 28 potential schemes, proposed by residents, Councils, Councillors and schools. Seven
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Bus changes set to be discussed at Area Forum
Town Councillors have urged residents concerned by proposed changes to bus services in Bradley Stoke to attend tonight’s Southern Brooks Area Forum meeting in Filton. Residents attending last week’s Town Council Planning Committee meeting were advised that the changes were a commercial decision by the operator, Wessex Connect, and not South Gloucestershire Council (SGC). Protests by bus users and Journal
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Cardboard recycling bags available for collection
South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) is now making it even easier for people to recycle their cardboard waste by providing local residents with a free bag. According to information on the SGC website, the bags are now available for collection from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre and Bradley Stoke Library on a “one per household, first come, first served basis whilst stocks
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Little Stoke civic amenity site to begin closing on Wednesdays
The Sort It! civic amenity site in Station Road, Little Stoke, is to begin closing on Wednesdays when new operating times come into force on 1st August. The news was buried in the footnotes of a South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) press release titled “Improvements to Sort It! Centres” put out on Wednesday (26th July). In common with other Sort It!
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