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Bradley Stoke Journal.

New cycling club announces rides programme

The newly-formed Stokes Cycling Club, serving Bradley Stoke, Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke, Great Stoke and Harry Stoke, has announced its initial programme of organised rides. The schedule kicks off with a gentle Family Ride on Sunday 16th May 2010, starting from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre at 11am. Destination is the White Hart in Iron Acton (which has a large garden

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New bowls club officially opened at Baileys Court

The new Bradley Stoke Bowls Clubs (BSBC) was officially opened on Saturday (1st May) by the legendary David Bryant CBE, three-times world champion and four-times Commonwealth Games champion. Club bowling has been absent from Bradley Stoke’s Baileys Court green for the past two seasons after the eviction (and subsequent demise) of the former Northavon Bowls Club following a rent dispute

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International Women’s Day Celebration 2010

Thursday night’s International Women’s Day celebratory event  organised by Southern Brooks Community Partnership (SBCP), once again attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd to Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS). The evening kicked off with performances from the BSCS salsa band and a musical performance from local girl group ‘Raise Your Voice”. This was followed by an international fashion show, choreographed by

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