Bradley Stoke Journal.

[Forum] Bradley Stokes misses out again in latest round of BT broadband upgrades

This really is getting beyond a joke: How on Earth, in the South West, can they justify giving fibre to the cabinet to places like Westbury, Devizes, Dartmouth and Wimbourne before they properly complete the cities? Jack Lopresti should be asking some very serious questions about this now as it looks as if we’re not even likely to get

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Race to Infinity: Almondsbury joins leaderboard in 14th place

The Almondsbury telephone exchange, which serves much of Bradley Stoke, has made it onto the leaderboard of a national competition designed to measure the demand for faster broadband connections. After attracting more than 1,000 votes from local residents and businesses, Almondsbury has joined a select group of (currently) 18 exchanges, out of 2,495 eligible, at the head of BT’s Race

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