Launch of the 'South Gloucestershire and the First World War' exhibition.

WW1 exhibition heading for Bradley Stoke

South Gloucestershire has received £60,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for its ‘South Gloucestershire and the First World War’ project, which includes a touring exhibition that will visit Bradley Stoke for four weeks from 1st September. The First World War Centenary project will involve local community heritage organisations working with South Gloucestershire Council to improve public engagement with the

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New fibre-enabled cabinet for exchange only (EO) lines at the junction of Brook Way and Savages Wood Road in Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Superfast broadband project makes a start on ‘exchange only’ (EO) lines

Work is now under way to bring superfast fibre broadband to hundreds of premises on ‘exchange only’ (EO) telephone lines in Bradley Stoke. Homes connected via EO lines have, until now, seen no benefit from South Gloucestershire Council’s state-subsidised infrastructure upgrade programme, which has initially focussed on upgrading existing street cabinets using ‘fibre to the cabinet’ (FTTC) technology. In order

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Dedication of the Bradley Stoke war memorial.

Busy weekend of community events ahead

There’s a busy weekend of community events ahead in Bradley Stoke, with the dedication of the town’s new war memorial and a World War One commemoration service in the town square on Saturday morning (2nd August), followed by the annual Ben Walker/BSTFC pro-celebrity charity football match on Sunday (3rd August). On Saturday, a uniformed parade (formed of members of 1st

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