Solar panels being installed on the roof of Bradley Stoke Community School.

Local school now part-powered by sunshine

Solar panels have been installed on the roof of Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS), producing an immediate saving in electricity costs which is expected to continue for the next 20 years. The 250 kilowatt installation incorporates in the region of 1,000 panels mounted on an extruded railing system connected via cabling into a ground floor switch room. The project has

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Bradley Stoke Mayor Roger Avenin attends a Holi celebration.

Mayor attends Holi festival in Bradley Stoke

Town Mayor Roger Avenin recently attended a community event to mark ‘Holi‘ in Bradley Stoke. The South Gloucestershire Asian Project had utilised publicly available backing from Bradley Stoke Town Council’s grant funding, which supports non-profit organisations and community groups. The Mayor was invited along with other councillors to partake in the event. Cllr Avenin commented: “I would like to publicly thank the South Gloucestershire

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The 1st Bradley Stoke Beavers celebrate the 30th anniversary of Beaver Scouts.

Beaver Scouts’ 30th birthday camp

By Katherine Robinson of the 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group. This year, Beaver Scouts are celebrating their 30th birthday. The 1st Bradley Stoke Beavers marked this occasion in style with a camp aiming to complete 30 activities in 30 hours! The marathon sleepover was held at Brook Way Activity Centre with 42 young people taking part. As well as the

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