The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.

Community School secures funding for sixth form

Bradley Stoke Community School has had its funding application for a post-16 centre approved by the Learning and Skills Council. Plans for a two-storey sixth form centre, dance studio/gym and single-storey changing rooms were submitted to South Gloucestershire Council in July 2008 and received approval from planning officials in September 2008. Writing in today’s school newsletter, headteacher Dave Baker says:

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Bradley Stoke Community School.

Secondary school admission offers posted today

Letters detailing offers of secondary school places for admission in September 2009 have been posted today (using 2nd class mail) by South Gloucestershire Council. Parents/carers who applied online will be able to view the results on the Internet from “late afternoon” today, provided they can remember their username and password (chosen at the time of application). Bradley Stoke Community School

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Go ahead given for second temporary classroom block at Baileys Court Primary School

Planners at South Gloucestershire Council have gven the go ahead for a second temporary classroom block to be erected at Bradley Stoke’s Baileys Court Primary School. The planning application, lodged in December 2008, is for an Elliot modular building configured to host two classrooms. The new block will be located on a section of playing field on the Baileys Court

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Community School celebrates language specialism with European Christmas market

To help celebrate its success at being designated a specialist Performing Arts and Language College, Bradley Stoke Community School hosted a European Christmas Market on Tuesday Evening. The school’s aims of  providing an educational experience that engages students, developing independence and making a positive contribution to the wider community were all evident at this event. There was a wide range

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Sickness bug closes Baileys Court Primary School

Bradley Stoke’s Baileys Court Primary School has been closed today after being hit by a sickness bug. A message placed on the school’s website yesterday (Thursday) states that the closure is being made to “[contain a] widespread sickness bug amongst the children … and avoid further infection.” A spokesperson at South Gloucestershire Council told The Journal that representatives of the

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