The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Bradley Stoke Journal.

BSCS prepares to launch academy status consultation

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) is staging a meeting for parents/carers this evening to communicate the latest results of research into the possibility of the school converting to academy status. The school first registered its interest in becoming an academy in June 2010, following an invitation from Education Secretary Michael Gove issued shortly after the General Election. The school Governors

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Bradley Stoke Journal.

BSCS uniform row revisited by The Guardian

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) gets a mention in an article in today’s Guardian that claims school uniforms do not improve learning results. The article quotes American academic David Brunsma, who has concluded, after eight years of research, that “uniforms do not make our schools better”. BSCS headteacher Dave Baker is mentioned in connection with the school’s clampdown on ‘Miss

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Meadowbrook Primary School, Bradley Stoke

Meadowbrook Primary School rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors

Bradley Stoke’s Meadowbrook Primary School has been rated “good” by Ofsted inspectors, who visited the school last month. The team of five inspectors observed a total of 21 lessons at the 401-pupil school, which is located in Three Brooks Lane, off Savages Wood Road. The inspectors summarised their findings as follows: “Meadowbrook is a good primary school. As a consequence

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School clamps down on Miss Sexy trousers

Bradley Stoke Community School has announced that it will no longer tolerate the wearing of “inappropriate” figure-hugging trousers by female students. The school says that ‘Miss Sexy’ (or similar) trousers are inappropriate for a learning environment because they “accentuate body shape in an unhelpful way … [being] particularly unflattering when worn by some students”. The low-cut of the trousers leads

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