The Bradley Stoke Journal website was retired at the end of 2024. It is being retained for the time being as a historical record. Looking for something specific? – Try using the Search function.
Students at Bradley Stoke Community School celebrate their GCSE exam results.

Community School’s GCSE results “back on track” as 66% achieve key benchmark

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) has reported improved GCSE results with 9% more students achieving a key government benchmark compared to 2012. Following a dip in Maths results which affected the overall headline figure last year, the number of students achieving five A*-C grades at GCSE including English and Maths has bounced back to 66% this year (57% last year),

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Meadowbrook Primary School, Three Brooks Lane, Bradley Stoke.

Meadowbrook School to install prefabs to cope with demographic “bulge”

Bradley Stoke’s Meadowbrook Primary School is to install a number of prefabricated classrooms to enable it to accommodate an increased entry of reception class pupils in each of the next two academic years. The school’s governors have agreed to accommodate an additional 30 children in 2013/14 and 2014/15, after being approached by South Gloucestershire Council, which needs to cope with

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The Olympus Academy Trust Launch Event on Thursday 14th March 2013.

Secondary schools extend invitation to celebrate launch of academy trust

The Olympus Academy Trust would like to invite you to join them in celebrating their official launch this Thursday (14th March) at Bradley Stoke Community School and Abbeywood Community School. The event will include a learning showcase tour at both schools as well as presentations, refreshments and opportunities to meet and chat informally. Dave Baker, Executive Headteacher at both schools,

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