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Photo of Conservation group members presenting a copy of ‘Bobby the Brown Long-Eared Bat’’ to the library.

Three Brooks nature reserve in September

An update from Sara Messenger of Bradley Stoke’s Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group. All things batty! Thanks to the generosity of Bradley Stoke Town Council, our ‘bat walks’, unlike those in many other places, are free to the public – although I’m sure their continued popularity has as much to do with Avon Bat Group’s Stewart Rowdon’s engaging manner as with

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Photo of volunteers from the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group taking a tea break.

Three Brooks nature reserve report for June

An update from Sara Messenger of Bradley Stoke’s Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group. Workdays We were happy to welcome several new members on our last workday, including Dawn Richards who is the local community champion for Tesco stores. We were happy to see her, not just for her generous contribution to our now overflowing biscuit box, but also for her infectious

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Volunteers from the Three Brooks Local Nature Conservation Group with rubbish collected during their Big Spring Clean.

Three Brooks nature group report for March

An update from Sara Messenger of Bradley Stoke’s Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group. Monthly workday and the Big Spring Clean Our planned March workday, working on the marsh, hit a major snag. Although the work we do on the reserve has been agreed with South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) from a conservation perspective, there have been several legislative changes over the

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Photo of floating platform on lake.

Three Brooks nature report for February

An update from Sara Messenger of Bradley Stoke’s Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group. Workdays Our recent workdays have mostly been filled with coppicing, which is cutting hazel tree trunks down to ground level, so that in the spring, many new straight new stems will grow again from the base. Although it may look harsh, the tree does not die but

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